Vietnamese pigs - features of the breed, pros and cons of keeping, recommendations and tips (photo + video)
History of the origin of the breed Vietnamese pigs were brought to Europe and Canada from Vietnam in
Calculation of feed units per 1 conventional head
How important is a high-quality feed supply and what does it consist of? Dairy cattle feed supply
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How to open a business for breeding Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs
We focus on the breed. Many farms are engaged in breeding pigs. Some livestock farmers place bets
feed additive sunflower cake
How and when to use mustard cake in summer cottages
Sunflower cake: a close acquaintance with the unique additive Makuhu (common name) is obtained during the processing process
Mountain sheep (Argali) Your name (required) Your e-mail (required) Subject Message Complain ▲▼ Problems Information is incorrect Typos, incorrect spelling and punctuation Information is no longer relevant
Description Mouflon is an animal that is on the verge of extinction. Small wild mouflon. Adult height
Prevention of dysentery
Swine dysentery: forms and symptoms
Forms of swine dysentery Based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, it is customary to distinguish three forms of dysentery. Spicy. This
How to organize feeding small piglets at home?
Like any other animal, pigs sometimes have this situation:
Vietnamese pot-bellied piglets breeding maintenance
Proper mating and farrowing of Vietnamese pigs are the key to successful breeding of these animals. Strong
fattening piglets
Fattening a pig using the most effective methods
published: 02. 02. 2021 author: Sergey Kuznetsov From this article you will learn:
Pumpkins are easy to care for
Husks from sunflower and pumpkin seeds: benefits and harms, application. How can you use the husks from sunflower and pumpkin seeds in the garden, as feed for piglets, chickens, for mulching and loosening
Who is given fodder pumpkin? The fodder variety of pumpkin is considered a technical vegetable. It differs in size and
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