Production of Metal Mills: Technologies and Applications
Building evacuation plan in case of fire
Calculation of feed units per 1 conventional head
Turkey breeds for home breeding
The main differences between the BIG breeds The BIG-6 and BIG-9 breeds were bred by breeders in the UK. They
Vietnamese pigs - features of the breed, pros and cons of keeping, recommendations and tips (photo + video)
History of the origin of the breed Vietnamese pigs were brought to Europe and Canada from Vietnam in
“Rabbits can be safely walked on a harness”: veterinarians answered the most popular questions about rabbits
Is it safe to walk a rabbit on a leash? The veterinarian says that owners can completely
Pig does not get up on its feet: common causes and treatment
If a piglet's hind legs fail, the reasons need to be identified based on the fact that it is
tumblers pigeons
Turman pigeons: types, description, contents, photos
Breeding pigeons is an interesting hobby. Purebred birds are quite expensive to purchase, but for those who love it
Goat mating and artificial insemination
Dear goat breeders! The first goat seed bank appeared in Russia. It is organized at the All-Russian Collection
Horned hive by Mikhail Palivoda: methods of keeping bees in it, manufacturing drawings
Beekeeping is constantly undergoing updates and the introduction of new technologies, improved products and designs that are designed to
ducks favorites
Favorite ducks: description, characteristics, cultivation, reviews
History of the breed The blue favorite was bred, oddly enough, completely by accident. At the poultry farm
Description and characteristics of Uzbek breed pigeons, breeding and care
History of the breed This breed has an interesting history. On the territory of Uzbekistan, the ancestors of these birds
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