The use of Chiktonik for poultry for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Characteristics and properties of the drug

When raising any bird, its diet is of particular importance. The feed should be balanced in vitamins and include appetite stimulants for birds. During the entire period of its life, starting from an early age, additives that improve the quality of feed should be added to the diet. One of these supplements is Chiktonik vitamins, which will be discussed further.

It is in well-deserved demand among most farmers and households for its versatility and efficiency. However, there is one caveat - its incorrect use can lead to a negative result and, before using it, you should familiarize yourself with its features and properties, and also study the instructions.

Areas of application of Chiktonik

This drug belongs to the class of prebiotics. It has the properties to normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and correct it if necessary. This remedy is used in the following cases:

  • supplement the main poultry feed with vitamins that are missing or present in small quantities;
  • if the bird has experienced some kind of stress or shock due to adverse events;
  • in case of poisoning with toxins;
  • to eliminate the consequences of prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • in order to accelerate the weight gain of chickens and young animals.

The results of using the drug are positive changes in the condition of the birds:

  • the tone and activity of birds increases;
  • the density and glossiness of feathers increases;
  • consistently high appetite;
  • egg production increases both quantitatively and qualitatively;
  • The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

As a result, immune system is strengthened and they become less susceptible to diseases.

Instructions for use

Chiktonik is delivered to the bird’s body orally, that is, through the mouth in the form of drinking water: it is diluted in drinking water in the proportion of one liter of water to two milliliters of the drug. The duration of the course is set at five days. Auto-drinkers for poultry are often charged with this solution for ease of use and control over the use of the drug.

At large poultry farms, the scale is, of course, different - here the proportions are the same, but the volumes of the solution are measured in tons and such drinking bowls are arranged three days before upcoming stressful situations for the birds, for example, vaccination or transportation.
The course is repeated at the end of the event, the duration of the course is the same - 3 days. The drug Chiktonik is completely compatible with other medications and additives in poultry feed.

Dosage and application regimen

Chiktonik instructions for use recommend giving it to birds along with water or food once a day. The period of administration depends on the age of the bird and the purpose of use.

The standard dosage of the feed additive for unproductive young animals is 1 ml of solution per liter of water. For laying hens, 2 ml of the drug is diluted in the same volume of liquid. They give 5 days.

After vaccination, the bird is given a vitamin complex for 3 days at the indicated dosage. According to a similar scheme, the drug is given 3 days before the stress and the same period of time after the event.

To replenish vitamins and amino acids, Chiktonik should be given in the proportion of 1 ml per liter of water. This volume is sufficient:

  • for 5 broilers aged 2 months;
  • for 10 chickens aged 1.5 months;
  • for 3-4 laying hens.

Duration of treatment – ​​5 days. After 4 weeks it is recommended to repeat the course.

Chiktonik for broiler chickens for rapid growth is used from 6 weeks. The product in a dosage of 1 ml must be diluted in a liter of water. The specified volume is spent on 10 heads of young animals. Duration of use – 1 week. After a month, the drug can be given again.

Chiktonik for chickens during the period of egg production is given 2 ml per 3-4 laying hens, pre-diluted in a liter of water. Give within 5 days. The course is conducted once every 1 or 2 months.

To increase immunity and prevent vitamin deficiencies in broiler chickens, Chiktonik is given from the first days of life. The daily norm - 1 ml per liter of water - is calculated for the following number of chicks:

  • 20 – at the age of 5-9 days;
  • 15 – at the age of 2 weeks;
  • 10 – at the age of 1 month.

For chickens of the egg and meat-egg breeds, from the second week of life, give 1 ml of the drug diluted in a liter of water. This volume is enough for 25 heads. The drug is recommended to be used once a day for 5 days.

The product is diluted with water immediately before giving to the bird. The prepared solution must be used within 24 hours.

The vitamin complex can be combined with other feed additives. After using the drug, there are no restrictions on the consumption of meat and eggs.

There are no special precautions for using the vitamin complex.

Instructions for using the composition for chickens

To ensure accelerated growth and development of chickens, they should definitely add the drug Chiktonik to their diet. Moreover , their immunity is not yet strong and they are susceptible to many diseases. The drug can be added to chickens’ food starting from the age of seven days.

The procedure for vaccination is the same as for adult birds - orally, and the condition of the chickens significantly improves:

  • the susceptibility of chicks to various diseases is reduced;
  • the plumage stabilizes faster and the skin becomes stronger;
  • tissues are saturated with vitamins and the absorption of feed products is accelerated;
  • The overall tone of the body, activity and appetite increases.

In terms of dosage when mixing the drug with water, experts have significant differences: some suggest a dose of 1:100, others adhere to the traditional one, as for adult birds - 1:1000. The course of taking the solution is no more than seven days.

Instructions for using the composition for pigeons

As a matter of fact, at an early age, chicks of different birds differ little from each other in their behavior, except perhaps in size. But they all equally need to strengthen the body’s resistance to the aggressive influence of the external environment, primarily to all kinds of infections. Stimulating appetite and promoting intensive plumage, normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and saturating the body with vitamins - all this is possible thanks to the addition of Chiktonik to the diet.

The drug is added to the diet of pigeon chicks in the same way as chickens. The only difference is that a dosage of 1:100 is contraindicated for them due to their smaller mass. The dosage of the drug should be 1:1000. And the duration of the course is the same - 7 days.

Pharmacological action and restrictions

Appearance: Chiktonik is a colorless liquid in glass bottles. Belongs to the group of prebiotics - organic compounds that stimulate the growth and increase in the number of bacteria used for therapeutic purposes. Prebiotics normalize the functioning of the poultry’s gastrointestinal tract, optimizing its microflora. This prebiotic contains more than twenty types of substances of organic origin and vitamins:

  • tryptophan and lysine, choline chloride and tocopherol;
  • thiamine and riboflavin;
  • histidine, arginine, etc.

Components and pharmacological properties

The drug Chiktonik contains the following groups of vitamins:

  • A (retinol) - necessary for the growth of chickens, participates in the formation of bone tissue in young animals. Supports the health of the chicken's digestive and respiratory systems. Strengthens the immune status of the body. In roosters, the vitamin is responsible for the production of sperm.
  • D3 – participates in metabolism, promotes the formation of a strong skeleton, claws and beak. In laying hens, it increases the strength of eggshells and egg production. Helps absorb calcium in the body. Prevents the development of rickets in chickens.
  • E (alphatocopherol) – prevents muscular dystrophy in chicks. Necessary for normal embryonic development of chickens. Increases the hatching rate of chicks from eggs.
  • B1 (thiamine) - responsible for the formation of muscle tissue, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.
  • B2 (riboflavin) – promotes normal development and rapid growth of chickens. Participates in the formation of muscle tissue.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – regulates the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the poultry body. Participates in intracellular respiration. Responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Increases egg production in chickens.
  • B12 (cobalamin) is a vitamin necessary for hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia. Promotes normal development and growth of chicks.
  • B5 (sodium pantothenate) – is responsible for the normal development of feathers, bird growth, and skin health.
  • K3 (Menadione nicotinamide bisulfite) – increases the immunity and productivity of chickens. Reduces the mortality rate among chickens.
  • B4 (choline) – prevents the development of many non-infectious diseases of chickens. Responsible for the health of young animals and egg production of laying hens.
  • B7 (biotin) – vital at any stage of poultry growth. Responsible for the normal development of the embryo. Maintains the health of feathers and skin, improves the productivity of meat and egg breeds.
  • B8 (inositol) - performs approximately the same function in the body as choline. Improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Do you use Chiktonik for your chickens?




In addition to the group of vitamins, Chiktonik contains a complex of amino acids:

  • Methionine – acts as a source of sulfur for chickens, participates in the formation of feathers, and increases the egg production of laying hens.
  • Lysine - plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins necessary for the formation of the skeleton, improves the absorption of calcium, and strengthens the body's resistance to infections.
  • Histidine is required by chickens for intensive growth and regulation of metabolism.
  • Arginine is necessary for building muscle tissue in poultry and forming the skeleton.
  • L-aspartic acid – increases shell strength in laying hens.
  • Threonine – promotes the growth of skeletal muscles, synthesizes digestive enzymes and immune proteins.
  • Serine – increases muscle mass, improves plumage quality.
  • Glutamic acid is an amino acid that intensively stimulates the growth of chicks.
  • Proline is the basis for the formation of ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and heart muscle.
  • Glycine is an amino acid that is especially important for young animals and takes an active part in plumage.
  • Alanine is one of the important components that takes part in protein synthesis and improves immunity.
  • Cystine is an essential amino acid that improves the feather cover of birds.
  • Valine – increases egg production in chickens.
  • Leucine – is involved in the construction of proteins and carbohydrate-fat metabolism.
  • Isoleucine – has similar properties as leucine.
  • Tyrosine – takes part in metabolism.
  • Phenylalanine is involved in the synthesis of proteins in the chicken body.
  • Tryptophan is responsible for lipid-fat metabolism and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

All amino acids contained in the vitamin complex play a vital role in metabolism, participate in protein synthesis, accelerate the growth of young animals, increase the egg production of laying hens and the meat productivity of broilers.

A deficiency of the above organic compounds leads to a decrease in immunity and the development of pathologies in poultry.

Chiktonik has an optimal ratio of vitamins and amino acids in its composition, due to which it stimulates the growth and normal development of chickens, increases meat and egg productivity, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the mortality rate in young animals. The bird becomes more resistant to infectious diseases.

For what diseases is it used?

Chiktonik is a prebiotic. Thanks to this product, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal. Means of this type ensure the maintenance of an optimal balance of intestinal microflora , and change it if necessary.

Main indications for taking Chiktonik:

  1. To saturate the body with vitamins and beneficial components;
  2. With stress and unbalanced nutrition;
  3. Often given before vaccination ;
  4. Give to birds after poisoning with toxic substances ;
  5. During long-term use of antibiotics ;
  6. To enhance the growth and development of chicks;
  7. During the period of active growth of young individuals.

Chiktonik ampoules

Thanks to this drug, the following indicators are provided:

  • Improving the tone of the bird;
  • The quality of the feather cover increases ;
  • Appetite improves ;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract ;
  • Increases egg production ;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of birds .

What are the dosages of Chiktonik?

Chiktonik, like gammatonic, is taken orally, the drug is diluted in water for drinking . Add 1-2 ml of premix per 1 liter. Give this solution for 5 days. For ease of feeding, many poultry farmers use automatic drinkers.

Automatic bird drinker

On large poultry farms, before vaccination or before the start of a situation that can put the bird in a stressful state, the premix is ​​diluted in large quantities - 1 liter of product per ton of water . Usually this solution is given 3 days before the onset of a stressful situation and 3 days after it. If the owner needs to transport or transplant young animals, then the drug is given in the same doses (1-2 ml per 1 liter of water) 2 days before the expected event and in the next 3 days.

The drug can be given together with other medications and nutritional supplements; no interaction of the drug with them has been identified.

Dosages of Chiktonik

Most drugs of the prebiotic group are taken orally, Chiktonik is no exception to the rule. Mostly it is diluted in water. Most often, there are 1-2 ml of product per 1 liter of liquid.

Chiktonik should be taken with water, added to high-quality water and poured into drinking bowls. The prepared solution is used to feed chickens for 5 days, sometimes up to 7 days. The most effective means is if you have an automatic water supply system.

Chiktonik is diluted in drinking water

For large poultry farms where poultry is bred in large quantities, before vaccination or to normalize animal health, a ratio of 1 ton of water to 1 liter of the substance is used. If a stressful situation is known to occur, it should be given 3 days before and 3 days after the procedure. If you plan to move the chickens to other cages or premises, it is better to add Chiktonik to the water approximately 2 days in advance and 3 days after the procedure.

The medicinal effect of the drug is observed in the qualitative rhythm of the functioning of the body, and the composition of the drug does not have any interactions with other components. Thus, this preobiotic can be given along with all medications, and no negative interactions have been observed.

Chiktonik can be used with all medications

How to use for chicks?

For chickens

Chiktonik for chickens is a necessary means to ensure the full growth and development of the body. Unlike adults, chicks have a weak immune system and have almost no resistance to various diseases. To increase the protective functions of the body, starting from 7 days of age, chickens are given chiktonik.

Oral vaccination of chickens

The drug provides the following indicators in chickens:

  • The body's resistance to the effects of infectious and viral diseases ;
  • Improves the condition of the skin and plumage of young animals ;
  • Saturating the body with essential vitamins and nutrients from food;
  • Improved tone and appetite .

For chickens, the drug is administered orally. Add it to drinking water. You can give it in two ways - 1 ml per 100 ml of water or 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Many veterinarians advise giving it in a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. They claim that if taken at this dosage, the absorption of the drug increases and an overdose does not occur. The drug is given for 5-7 days, but no more .

For the goslings

Chiktonik for goslings is used to improve the body's protective functions and enhance immunity. In addition, the product normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes the functioning of the urinary tract.

In addition, starting from 7 days of age, goslings are given the drug to improve health and ensure full development and growth. The product ensures good absorption of nutrients and nutrients from food.

Vaccination of goslings

The drug is given with water . 1 ml of product is diluted in 1 liter. The chicks are given water with this solution. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days, but no more.

For turkey poults

Turkey poults, unlike goslings and chickens, are quite weak and are more susceptible to various diseases. The use of Chiktonik for turkey poults should begin at 7 days of age , sometimes it begins to be used from the 4-5th day of life of the chicks.

Thanks to Chiktonik, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized in turkey poults, the immune system is strengthened and resistance to various viral and infectious diseases increases. It enhances growth, accelerates the absorption of vitamins, amino acids and beneficial components by the body of young animals. The product improves the quality of skin and feathers .

According to the instructions, Chiktonik is diluted in drinking water. Add 1 ml of product to 1 liter of water. The solution is given once a day for approximately 5-7 days.

For other birds

For young animals of other bird species - ducks, quails, pigeons, the use of chiktonik is a prerequisite for normal development and growth. In addition, it is needed to maintain the normal state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Thanks to this component, chicks receive from food useful substances, vitamins, amino acids, which are necessary for the full development of the young body.

How to give Chiktonik to chickens

It is used as an additive for chickens of different ages, suitable for laying hens and broilers, increasing their productivity. Let's take a closer look at the use of the product for poultry of various categories.

For broilers

According to the instructions, it is diluted in the ratio of 1 liter of water and 2 milliliters of the drug. The duration of use should be from 5 to 7 days. The product is added to the drinking bowl.

When keeping chickens in cages, an individual reception is organized for each individual.

The drug solution is poured into the drinking bowl in the morning so that it can be drunk throughout the day. The remaining water in the evening is poured out, and the freshly prepared composition is added in the morning.

broiler nutrition

For others

For adult laying hens, the dose and method of using Chiktonik are the same as for broilers. The drug increases the number of eggs laid and prolongs the productive period of the chicken.

If the drug is given before vaccinating birds against infections, this is done three days before the procedure and within three days after. The same period should precede the chickens moving to a new place of residence in order to prevent stress.

See also

Table and diagrams for feeding chickens with antibiotics and vitaminsRead

Instructions for use for adult birds

For broilers

Chiktonik for broilers is a necessary means for the implementation of important conditions for normal life , namely:

  1. Increased protective functions of the body;
  2. Normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system ;
  3. Improving the quality of leather and feathers;
  4. Beneficial effect on the reproductive system of individuals ;
  5. Improved appetite ;
  6. Increased egg production ;
  7. Helps in stressful situations ;
  8. Must be used before vaccination ;
  9. Thanks to this product, , amino acids, nutrients and nutrients from feed increases
  10. Normalization of metabolism.

Broilers in the chicken coop

Therefore, this product must be given to broilers . It is diluted with water. For adult birds, dilute the solution according to the following scheme - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. This solution is given for 5-7 days.

For others

For other types of poultry - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, the purpose of this product is the same. It is intended to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Increases protective functions, strengthens the immune system, ensures the body absorbs useful and nutrients from food, and also improves skin and feather cover. And these are, of course, not all of its properties. Therefore, the use of chiktonik for adult birds is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of individuals.

Poultry in the household yard

Chiktonik is given with water. For adults, 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water . The period of taking the solution should be from 5 to 7 days.

Instructions for use for adults

Adult birds have better health and can process larger amounts of the drug. To achieve a good level of stimulation of the body, the dose is doubled. To use the product, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare the container and determine the required amount of water. So for 1 laying hen there is, very approximately, 200 ml of water. With this in mind, a suitable container should be determined.
  2. Next, fill the container with water. The water must be clean, like the container, no foreign impurities, sediment, mold, etc.
  3. Now the drug is added using a syringe or, if the volumes are large, then with any convenient but fairly accurate measuring device. It is necessary to measure Chiktonik in the proportion of 2 ml per 1 liter of water, in case of drinking adults.
  4. If there is an automatic water supply to the drinkers, it is necessary to first clean the lines, otherwise the concentration may decrease significantly. If the drinkers are different and water is added manually, then it is important to dilute the substance in a common container, otherwise it is quite difficult to achieve the correct dosage, and then add it to the tanks. Animals drink most of their water at night, so you should replenish the water bottle before spending the night.

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Adding Chiktonik to the drinking bowl

For laying hens, it is better to use Chiktonik in a ratio of 2 ml to 1 liter of water, this consistency improves their egg production, and this also applies to other meat poultry varieties, except broilers. Due to their rapid growth, it is recommended to give 1 ml per 1 liter of water.

Pharmacological properties

In appearance, the drug Chiktonik looks like a dark brown liquid , which is contained in small glass bottles. This remedy belongs to the group of prebiotics. Prebiotics ensure the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the poultry body.


Chiktonik is a useful feed additive that contains the following substances:

  • Tryptophan;
  • Lysine;
  • Tryptophan;
  • Lysine;
  • Methionine;
  • Choline chloride;
  • Retinol;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Phenylalanine;
  • Tyrosine;
  • Isoleucine;
  • Leucine;
  • Valin;
  • Colecalciferol;
  • Menadion;
  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Sodium pantothenate;
  • Cyanocobalamin;
  • Biotin;
  • Inositol;
  • Cystine;
  • Histidine;
  • Arginine;
  • Aspartic acid;
  • Threonine;
  • Serin.

Thanks to the vitamin complex composition, the following indicators are ensured:

  1. Regulating the ratio of biologically active compounds that enter the body of individuals;
  2. useful and nutrients are replenished ;
  3. Metabolism is normalized ;
  4. Strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's protective functions;
  5. Increased growth and weight gain in young individuals;
  6. Laying hens have increased egg production ;
  7. stressful situations increases ;
  8. of the reproductive system improves ;
  9. Fetal mortality is reduced ;
  10. The quality of skin and feathers improves .

Chiktonik does not have a toxic effect on the body of warm-blooded animals . It is a low-hazard substance and at increased dosages does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing effects.

Domestic bird

The full development of poultry is the key to obtaining a high number of individuals. Therefore, when raising poultry, it is imperative to use the drug Chiktonik . Due to it, you can increase the protective functions of the body, strengthen the immune system, and improve the health of individuals. This drug is a necessary condition for the full life of poultry.

Chiktonik is a food supplement intended for pets. Everyone knows very well about vitamins and vitamin supplements for people, but animals need useful substances no less than humans, especially considering that their growth and development in some cases proceeds several times faster than that of humans.

Chiktonik is a food supplement intended for use in pets.

What is "Chiktonik"

The drug, developed by the Spanish company Invesa, contains vitamins and amino acids in optimal concentrations for animals. Entering the body, the vitamin complex prevents hypovitaminosis, normalizes metabolism and energy production, and increases immunity to negative external factors.

The use of a feed additive in cases of nutritional imbalance, after exposure to stress factors and for actively growing young animals leads to increased productivity and reduced mortality of livestock. “Chiktonik” has the following positive effects on the body of calves:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • maintains body tone;
  • accelerates growth;
  • increases appetite;
  • prevents pathologies associated with deficiency of nutrients;
  • increases the productivity and external characteristics of livestock;
  • normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system.

drug Chiktonik

What vitamins are included in the preparation “Chiktonik” (in terms of 1 ml), how they affect the condition of the calf’s body is indicated in the table:

SubstanceConcentration, mgEffect on the body
retinol (A)0,75stimulates growth, reduces the likelihood of infectious damage to internal organs, accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers on the skin
cholecalciferol (D3)0,01regulates phosphorus and calcium metabolism, helps minerals be absorbed in the intestines, incorporated into bone tissue, prevents rickets in calves
tocopherol (E)3,75has an antioxidant effect, regulates protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, prevents muscle dystrophy, helps absorb retinol, normalizes the functioning of the reproductive organs, reduces the likelihood of infertility
thiamine (B1)3,5supports the nervous system, prevents skin pathologies
riboflavin (B2)4participates in protein metabolism and hemoglobin synthesis, maintains the functional state of the reproductive and visual organs
choline (B4)0,4increases milk productivity of livestock, reduces the likelihood of liver dystrophy
pantothenic acid (B5)15participates in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, in the synthesis of hemoglobin and fatty acids, reduces the negative effects of antibiotics
pyridoxine (B6)2participates in protein metabolism, improves appetite
biotin (B7)0,002maintains healthy skin
cobalamin (B12)0,01necessary for hemoglobin synthesis, prevents anemia in calves
phylloquinone (K3)0,25normalizes blood clotting, prevents bleeding and anemia

See also

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Also, the composition of the drug "Chiktonik" includes amino acids and bioactive compounds (mg):

  • methionine – 5;
  • inositol – 0.0025;
  • glycine – 0.575;
  • arginine – 0.5;
  • L-lysine – 2.5;
  • alanine – 0.975;
  • histidine – 0.9;
  • tryptophan – 0.075;
  • proline – 0.5;
  • aspartic acid – 1.45;
  • tyrosine – 0.34;
  • leucine – 1.5;
  • isoleucine – 0.125;
  • threonine – 0.5;
  • valine – 1.1;
  • glutamic acid – 1.16;
  • serine – 0.68;
  • cystine – 0.15;
  • phenylalanine – 0.8.

“Chiktonik” is sold in white plastic containers of 1, 5, 25 liters. It looks like an opaque liquid of a rich brown color. Each unit of container indicates the quantity and composition of the drug, the concentration of active ingredients, batch number and production date, and instructions for use.

drug Chiktonik

Appointment Chiktonik

Chiktonik is a supplement that is intended specifically for animals and birds. Thanks to it, it is possible to make the usual diet more balanced, fully ensuring that the body receives the necessary amino acids and minerals.

1 liter of supplement contains all the vitamins and amino acids necessary for a living organism. The only thing that distinguishes the drug from human vitamin supplements is their ratio and quantity. First of all, in its composition you can find vitamin A, D3, vitamins E, B1, B2, B6 and B12, as well as a large number of amino acids that make the supplement indispensable.

This supplement can completely compensate for the nutritional deficiency of all substances necessary for growth, since it is not always possible to choose the right food that meets all the relevant requirements.

The use of the supplement is necessary for animals that have suffered illness or severe stress, or who are lagging behind in development. Most often, newborns and young animals fall into this group. These medicines are also used to enrich the diet of poultry.

Composition of the drug Chiktonik

Composition of the drug Chiktonik

Chiktonik is a very useful supplement. It contains amino acids: arginine; lysine; tryptophan; methionine; valine; threonine; tyrosine; phenylalanine; isoleucine; histidine; serine; aspartic acid; cystine. The composition also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B8, B12, E, D3, K3.

The drug does not have a toxic effect on the body of birds or any animals. It is not dangerous and even with an overdose rarely causes a negative effect.

Use of the drug

The instructions for use of the drug Chiktonik state that the product should be added to drinking water. It can be supplied to animals and chickens centrally (through a common drinking bowl) or separately in accordance with the individual needs of the animal.

The total course of taking the supplement is 5 days. The additive is diluted with water in the ratio required for this type. For example, for chickens, a dosage of 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water is taken. For foals, accordingly, this dose increases and is 20 ml per 1 individual. Young animals include animals aged from 6 to 18 months; the same 20 ml is added to them. Calves require slightly less solution - up to 10 ml. For piglets, up to 3.5 ml of the additive is added to the water.

When using the drug, it is advisable to avoid overdose and strictly adhere to the instructions for use. The drug appeared on the market quite a long time ago and has undergone serious testing. Today it is actively used in many farms and private farmsteads. Some veterinarians advise, if necessary (when there is no particular effect from the use or the animal is severely weakened), to slightly increase the dosage.

The additive must be introduced into the diet of poultry after vaccination, the use of antibiotics or coccidiostats. The course required to maintain the normal condition of the birds lasts about 3 days before taking the medication and 3 days after. If long-term transportation of the bird is planned, it will also be given an additive in its diet, but the course of administration will be one day less and will be 2 days before transportation and 2 days after. In this case, adaptation of animals occurs easier and faster.

The drug is mandatory for laying hens to increase their egg production and improve the quality of eggs. There were no cases where the drug was contraindicated. The same can be said about side effects, which were not found during the entire period of using the supplement.

A significant advantage that speaks in favor of the use of the drug is the fact that it can be freely combined with all other drugs used as medicines in livestock and poultry farming, without any restrictions on its dose and time of administration. The meat and milk of animals that have consumed the additive do not pose a danger to humans, since after its use no changes dangerous to humans occur in the animal’s body. Therefore, the slaughter and sale of meat in this case is carried out as usual without additional examinations.

Instructions for use of Chiktonik for chickens, broilers and laying hens

Chiktonik is a necessary supplement and is extremely easy to administer. The drug is diluted in the required concentration in water for drinking birds. Chiktonik for chickens should be diluted in the following proportion: take 1-2 ml of vitamin-amino acid supplement per 1 liter of drinking water.

Vitamins in Chiktonik

How to properly feed chickens with chiktonik depends on the method to which the bird is accustomed. If automatic drinking bowls are used, then the nutrient solution is poured into them. When asked how many days it should be used, the manual says that the drug should be given to pets for 5-6 days. For example, in large poultry farms, during the vaccination period, 1 liter of the drug is dissolved per 1 ton of water for drinking birds 3 days before preventive vaccinations and also continued for 3 days after.

Important! When poultry is expected to be transported, if it is not being prepared for slaughter, watering with the drug should begin 2 days before the expected event and continue for 3 days after it. The dosage of the drug is the same.

Chiktonik can be mixed with other medications; no chemically harmful interactions have been identified. If a bird is given medicine, but needs to be slaughtered, for example, for broiler meat, then the drug has no restrictions.

The drug significantly improves the condition of chickens in the household, improves immunity, regulates intestinal function, and promotes rapid weight gain. Chiktonik for chickens recommends giving in minimal doses - no more than 1 ml per 1 liter of drinking water once a day for 5-7 days.

Chiktonik is necessary for chickens

From what day should Chiktonik be given to chickens? To improve weight gain and coordinate the nutritional composition of feed, the drug is given to chickens starting from the 7th day of life for 5-7 days, less often from 4-5 days. The drug increases the resistance of chickens to diseases if there are temperature changes in the room, and stimulates the formation of even, shiny plumage.

Note! Healthy, well-feathered chickens do not retain fecal material on their feathers. If remnants of feces are noticed, then the pets need nutritional correction with the help of Chiktonik.

Chiktonik for broilers

Broilers are meat chickens that require high protein feed. Chiktonik helps to balance their feed and achieve stable weight gain. Broiler chickens are given the drug 1 ml per 1 liter of drinking water from 7 to 14 days of life. A month later the course is repeated. Such seemingly excessive feeding of broilers with Chiktonik does not cause complications.

Chiktonik for laying hens

Laying hens are given the drug at the beginning of the laying period, 2 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. This is repeated once every 1-2 months.

There are no overdoses, teratogenic or sensitizing effects of the drug observed, therefore it is fully approved for use on private farms. Therefore, every breeder, even a beginner, can safely use a modern achievement of science in the form of Chiktonik and obtain high-quality poultry products!

All experienced poultry farmers know that while raising poultry it is necessary to monitor its health. It is imperative for normal development and to maintain health that birds, starting from a young age, need to be given vitamin preparations that are intended for the full growth and development of individuals. Such drugs include Chiktonik. This product is in great demand among many farmers because it has good properties. Before you start using this product, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with its features and instructions for use, which will be discussed below.

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Additive storage conditions

There are a number of requirements for the storage procedure for the additive. It is available in bottles and canisters, which should always be tightly closed and kept in a dry place, reliably protected from sunlight. An important storage condition is that it is kept separate from food products.

Temperature is also important. It should not exceed 25°C. The drug cannot be used after the expiration date, since most vitamins and amino acids are destroyed by this point.

When using the drug, it is advisable to avoid overdose and strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

The period during which the drug can be used is 2 years. Depending on your needs, the drug can be purchased in bottles of 10, 20 and 100 ml. For birds, packaging in 1 liter containers will be convenient. You should not purchase the supplement with a reserve, since the drug can be freely purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.

It is best if Chiktonik is purchased in the amount necessary for the animals and birds on the farm. You cannot use a drug of unknown origin purchased from private individuals.

The drug is used especially intensively in poultry farming. It is great for any type of bird, including pigeons. For chickens, this supplement is doubly necessary, since they are easily susceptible to infections, and the drug is a reliable remedy that can strengthen their immunity. And, of course, chicks will need the product during the period of active growth and weight gain.

Reviews about Chiktonik are only positive. Many farm owners say that they have been using it for a long time and are not trying to find a replacement, since they are quite satisfied with the spectrum of action and price of the drug.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Feedback from farmers about Chiktonik

Chiktonik is not a new tool in farming. It has been tested by breeders in different regions of Russia and other countries.

  • Natalia Ogurtsova: “I buy Chiktonik for chickens of different ages. It has a good composition. Unfortunately, we don’t have large bottles of this product in our stores, so we have to buy 50 ml, but I want to try ordering it online, I hope the quality won’t let you down. As for the effect of the drug, I can say one thing - for laying hens this is an indispensable remedy. I give it several times a year, the females give a lot of eggs after it, the color of the yolk improves, the shell is strong and of normal color. The appearance of the birds also improves. There are no more bald patches, bare necks, the birds are neat, beautiful - I just couldn’t be happier!”

  • Dmitry Ivanovich : “For the birds that I breed, I have been using Chiktonik for several years now. Not only does it make them more resistant to disease, but it also improves their plumage and condition. Ducks and chickens are becoming more active and inquisitive; I noticed that not only egg production has increased, but also poultry meat has become tastier and more tender. The young animals are growing by leaps and bounds. I recommend it, first of all, to young, inexperienced breeders in order to reduce mortality and quickly adapt to breeding poultry.”
  • Vladimir Rozhkov : “Among the different types of premixes for poultry, I use Chiktonik. This is the best option in terms of price-quality ratio. The product is effective, fast-acting and has never failed. Its action is complex, and it is also suitable for birds of any age. I use it for chickens, ducks and turkeys. I haven’t tried it for quails, but in principle I don’t breed geese.”

Chiktonik is a useful supplement that can be used to treat or prevent various ailments. Thanks to its rich composition, it increases the immunity of birds, and also improves the absorption of various beneficial substances that birds receive from food. When used correctly, birds practically stop getting sick, have a beautiful, well-groomed appearance and are highly productive.

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