What to do when poultry suffers from Marek's disease (neurolymphomatosis)
2 438 3 comments 4 Author: Sadchikov Nikolay Alekseevich. Reading time: 4 minutes
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How to distinguish a male from a female Today you can find many tips on how to recognize a drake and
How to determine which chickens are laying eggs and which ones are not
External signs of a laying hen Despite the fact that palpation allows you to more accurately identify a laying hen, often
Leghorn chickens
Leghorn chicken breed: description and features of keeping at home
Leghorn chickens are a highly productive egg-producing breed, the bird was bred in Italy. Today is
Does the pink dove exist?
Extremely popular for release during special occasions, the pink dove is a common fake. Craftsmen
Are female peacocks or males more spectacular and beautiful?
Peacocks can be called one of the most beautiful birds in nature. It's quite strange that they
Geese breeds are the most popular and productive breeds for breeding and growing at home (115 photos and videos)
Adler breed The breed owes its name to the city where it was directly bred as a result of crossings
chicken breeding
Descriptions of the 45 best chicken breeds for home breeding, what they are and how to choose
Classification of chickens Birds are classified according to different characteristics. In appearance they are: large; average;
Duck breeds are the best breeds to raise in households. Characteristics, 120 photos and description (video)
Thousands of years ago, people began to domesticate wild animals and began to create their own farms. Passed
Diving duck: varieties and behavioral characteristics in nature
The average person won’t even be able to tell that it’s a diving duck, the body color is so varied
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