Is it possible to slaughter a pig while it is walking?

How can you tell if a pig is on a spree? Is it possible to slaughter a pig while it is walking?

The final stage in pork production is the slaughter of pigs, which needs to be carried out correctly. To do this, it is important to prepare for this process in advance, and the preparation should be theoretical in nature. However, pigs can be slaughtered with the help of a specially trained person with extensive experience. In any case, the successful slaughter of pigs is additionally determined by knowledge of the physiological characteristics of the animals. So, it is important to know whether it is possible to slaughter pigs while they are walking. To avoid mistakes, we recommend that you read the presented article.

Signs of a pig binge

The functions of a farmer who specializes in growing pigs include the ability to independently determine the signs indicating an approaching hunt in a pig. It is especially important to recognize such manifestations in the case of keeping animals for the purpose of their subsequent breeding. General signs of estrus and the onset of hunting include:

  • sudden loss of appetite,
  • restless behavior, expressed in constant attempts to destroy the fence and walls of the pigsty, as well as overturning feeders and drinking bowls,
  • constant movements, alternating with scratching the hindquarters against the walls of the stall,
  • constantly emitting grunts and squeals,
  • attempts to ride other pigs, regardless of their gender,
  • a significant increase in excitability in the presence of a male, which can manifest itself in sudden jumping up and overcoming various fences, obstacles,
  • acquisition of slight swelling and increased size by the genitals with the simultaneous appearance of discharge of mucous consistency.

The right time for slaughter

The slaughter of pigs becomes possible in accordance with the following factors:

  1. Climate and weather conditions. Weather conditions play an important role in maintaining the quality of meat. For this reason, the most optimal period for slaughter is considered to be seasons characterized by low temperature conditions. Slaughter is also possible in the summer, but for this you should choose a cloudy day when there are few insects.
  2. Weight characteristics. As a rule, the body weight of an adult female intended for slaughter varies between 100-110 kg. However, sometimes slaughter is carried out after the piglets reach a weight of 50-60 kg. At this point, the animals acquire sexual maturity, which determines the appearance of estrus.
  3. Physiological state. It is undesirable to handle a pig during its feeding spree, since the quality of meat products deteriorates, which is caused by a hormonal surge in the pig. It is advisable to wait until the end of the hunt, slaughtering it 10 days after the end.

Carcass processing

You also need to know how to properly cut a carcass. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The bristles are scorched with a burner, after which the soot is washed off;
  2. The head and hooves are cut off;
  3. The sternum and abdomen are opened, the internal organs are removed;
  4. Blood is removed from the cavities;
  5. The meat is chopped into pieces.

When cutting a carcass, it is important to prevent bile and blood from getting into clean meat, so as not to spoil the product.

If you plan to tan the leather, you do not need to burn the skin. The skin must be cut around the neck, along the midline of the abdomen and around the anus, and then removed, separating it from the fat with a knife. Salt is rubbed into the removed skin at the rate of 3 kg of salt per 10 kg of skin. After this, the skin is wrapped in a roll and salted for a week.

How to slaughter pigs

Slaughtering a pig is the most unpleasant thing that can happen for pig farmers, but it doesn’t happen without it. People who have kept pigs for more than a year or two know how to cut a pig correctly, but a new pig breeder cannot cope with such a task on his own.

It is better for him to either take the pig to the slaughterhouse (and this will take a lot of time and money), or prepare himself theoretically, gleaning information from various sources, and attending the slaughter of pigs several times, trying to take part in it, so that later he will know for sure how to do it correctly. cut a pig.

The first time during slaughter, an experienced butcher must be present as a safety net against an unforeseen event. Often, a new farmer does not know when it is time to slaughter a pig or how much it should weigh. An adult pig weighs 110 kg. In this case, the pure product will be 70 percent of the original weight.

There is an opinion that a pig can be fattened up to 60 kilograms and slaughtered, but few people think so.


Since blood in meat spoils its quality, gives an unpleasant taste and contributes to its rapid spoilage, when slaughtering you should try to bleed the pig as much as possible. As already mentioned, the ideal option for this is to open the carotid artery in a vertical position - almost all the blood will come out of the carcass.

If the pig was killed by a blow to the heart, then a certain amount of blood will collect in the chest cavity, after opening which, you can scoop out this blood with a small convenient container, and remove the bloody clots using napkins or clean rags.

The collected blood is used in the preparation of certain types of sausages and other dishes.

Key rules for successful slaughter

  • You should not feed the pig before slaughter,
  • Before slaughter, give the animal plenty of water, but about three hours before the process itself, do not give water,
  • protect the animal from stressful moments (do not kick it, do not shout at it or rush it),
  • it is better to wash the animal before starting the procedure itself - this will make it easier to process the carcass, and the meat will be of better quality,
  • carry out the slaughter in a place that can then be easily washed and put in order,
  • if you dream of blood sausage, take care of the dishes where you will collect the blood during slaughter,
  • if the weight of your sow havronya exceeds 80 kg, most likely you cannot do without an assistant,
  • the ideal season for slaughter is cool - below 15°C, although, if necessary, they cut in the hot summer,
  • it is also necessary to understand at what age pigs are slaughtered - when their weight exceeds 110 kg,
  • Some people ask this question: is it possible to slaughter a pig while it is walking? Here the answer is obvious - no, and again no. In this case, it will be difficult to catch the animal, much less capture it. It is best to do this procedure in a special room.

If the pig farrowed not long ago, but there is a question about its slaughter, then again the question arises: when to slaughter the pig after farrowing? It would be necessary, of course, for her to feed the piglets for two months or a little more - then the offspring will grow up healthy and well-fed.

But circumstances, of course, are different, and since slaughter cannot be avoided, then let at least a week pass for the milk to burn out. Another thing is an injury during farrowing or a disease (non-infectious) due to which the pig fell ill - in this case - there is no option - the pricks immediately, otherwise the pig will simply lose weight.

General slaughter technology

The slaughter of farmed pigs is a procedure, although unpleasant, but necessary. Insufficient preparation and improper execution bring unnecessary suffering to the animal and can lead to deterioration in the quality of meat.

Preparing a pig for slaughter

Basic rules of preparation:

  1. Feeding of females is stopped the day before slaughter. During this time, the gastrointestinal tract will have time to empty. If the intestines are accidentally damaged when cutting a carcass, the risk of spoiling the meat is reduced.
  2. Water is given ad libitum, but it is removed 3-4 hours before the start to ensure an empty bladder.
  3. You should protect the animal from unnecessary stress; you should not scream or kick it. The procedure should be carried out by an experienced person, as... in a state of panic, the hormone cortisol is released into the blood, which will negatively affect the quality of meat.
  4. Before starting the procedure, the piglet should be washed with warm water using a brush or broom.
  5. For the slaughter procedure, you will need high-quality knives, a blowtorch or gas torch for burning the carcass, strong ropes for securing, dishes for collecting blood, clean napkins or rags for soaking the blood.
  6. If the animal weighs more than 80 kg, assistants will be needed.

Knives for slaughter must be rigid and have a long blade - at least 15 cm

Slaughter is carried out on a concrete platform or wooden pallet. You should prepare in advance a structure with a crossbar and a hook for hanging the carcass. This will be needed for blood drainage and ease of cutting. If there is no crossbar, then the cutting is carried out in a lying position on an inclined floor so that the carcass is not stained by the flowing blood.

Slaughter process

The pig is lured out of the pen by offering food. While she is distracted by food, a rope loop is thrown around her hind legs. To put the piglet on its side, one assistant uses a rope to hook it, and the second assistant presses it to the ground. When eating food calmly, you can tie not only the hind legs, but also the front legs. In this case, it is easier to knock down and restrain the animal. For small piglets, the third method is suitable. Having tied the hind legs, they throw the rope over the crossbar and hang the animal.

Direct slaughter is carried out with a blow to the heart or neck. The heart is located in the sternum on the left side in the area of ​​3-6 ribs and is adjacent to the wall between the third and fourth ribs. The blow is delivered the full length of the blade into this space. The knife is not removed until the convulsions stop.

A blow to the neck is used to open the jugular vein or carotid artery, applying it from the left or right side to the base of the neck, which passes into the chest. The knife is also inserted deeply, making several cutting movements.

Slaughter with a blow to the heart is the most humane

If slaughter is carried out in a hanging state, a container is placed under the carcass to drain the blood. When slaughtering in a lying position, they wait until the convulsions stop, make cuts in the tendons at the hock joints and hang the carcass on hooks. Further treatment is continued after the bleeding has completely stopped. When cutting the vessels of the neck, the blood flows out without hanging. When a pig is slaughtered in a supine position with a blow to the heart, the blood mainly accumulates in the chest. To remove it, you need to widen the incision and scoop it out with a suitable container.

Processing and cutting of carcasses

After slaughter and bleeding, the carcass is removed from the crossbar and further processing is carried out:

  1. Using a torch, blowtorch or tufts of ignited straw, the bristles of the carcass are scorched.
  2. Wash off the soot with hot water, scrape the skin with a knife and wash again.
  3. The head and hooves are separated from the carcass.
  4. They are placed on the back and the peritoneum is cut off.
  5. After opening the chest, the heart, lungs, esophagus are removed, and the diaphragm is cut out.
  6. By cutting into the abdominal cavity, the stomach and intestines are removed.
  7. Carefully separate the liver, being careful not to puncture the gallbladder.
  8. The bladder and kidneys are removed.

When cutting, blot the cavities with clean rags or napkins, removing any remaining blood. After all the insides have been removed, the carcass is cut into pieces, following the classic cutting pattern.

Pork carcass parts and cutting lines

When raising piglets, from their acquisition to the final goal, all the details and features are important in order to ultimately obtain tasty, quality products and profits.

Many novice farmers do not know exactly when they can slaughter a wild boar or piglet, or what weight the animal should be before this important event. An adult pig weighs about 110 kg for slaughter, and how much is the net weight of the product? About 70%, that is quite a lot. It is a very common opinion that pigs should be raised to 50-60 kg and then slaughtered, but not everyone adheres to this. The video below shows a pig being slaughtered at home.

A few key rules, subject to which the slaughter will be successful:

  • do not feed the pig at least 12 hours before day “X” (a hungry animal is easier to lure out of the pen with food);
  • To make the sow hare less nervous, do not shout at it, do not push it or kick it (this will lower the stress level);
  • wash your pet before starting the procedure, a clean carcass is easier to handle and the quality of the meat will be better;
  • choose a place that can be quickly cleaned and washed after slaughter;
  • immediately prepare a container for draining the blood if you plan to make blood sausage from it;
  • consider whether assistants are needed if the pig weighs more than 80 kg.

How to slaughter a pig at home?

Place either sawdust or straw in the place where everything will happen. Then start preparing the crossbar where you will hang the carcass. It should be shaped like a swing. Also take care of the flooring on which the process of cutting the carcass will take place.

The flooring can be in the form of a bed with high legs - for the convenience of butchering a pig. You will also need a block of wood - the meat will be cut on it. It is a stump approximately one meter high and eighty centimeters in diameter.

Once all these items are ready, start preparing other necessary tools. Make sure that the knife is sharp, that there is enough warm water, and do not forget about a sledgehammer, film, gas burner or straw (straw is often replaced with pine branches and corn leaves). You will also need containers in which you can place the internal organs of the animal.

There are experienced pig breeders who pierce the heart with one blow of a knife. For them it's quick and easy. Before starting the process, it is necessary to secure the animal’s legs with ropes, and here you cannot do without two or even three assistants.

Two people should try to lay the pig on its left side or lay it on its back, and the one who cuts deals one blow with a sharp knife directly to the heart area. After the animal has calmed down, the knife must be pulled out and the blood in the wound should be held back with a piece of clean cloth.

Slaughter methods

Pork cutting diagram

In order for the meat to meet quality standards, it is important to slaughter the pig correctly. There are several methods of slaughter:

Both methods are applicable for both adults and piglets . Each farmer chooses a more convenient option for himself. The first is more popular among livestock breeders, since after a blow to the neck, the carcass bleeds better - the blood leaves the carcass while the heart is beating. Naturally, this method involves preliminary stunning of the pigs. Let's consider each slaughter method separately.

In the neck

Pig slaughter at home is often done in the neck, where the largest arteries pass. In order to immobilize the animal, its hind limbs are tied or a rope is tied to its right leg. Next, they take a sledgehammer or an ax and with its blunt part deliver a powerful blow to the area above the eyes or to the back of the head.

When the pig falls, the tip of the knife is inserted into the side of the neck where it connects to the chest. Having cut the carotid artery and jugular vein, place a container under the stream of blood to collect it. This method is considered safer for humans and more humane for animals.

Attention! Bleeding occurs better when the heart is pumping, which is why the neck method is popular among farmers.

In heart

Slaughter in the heart can be carried out either with or without preliminary stunning. For an accurate hit, you need to knock the pig onto its right side. To do this, grab her by the back right limb or use a rope. Then the tip of the knife is inserted into the armpit area between the 3rd and 4th ribs. The knife cannot be removed until the pig stops moving.

Attention! Having no experience in slaughtering pigs, it is worth inviting a knowledgeable person, because the blow to the heart must be delivered with maximum accuracy.


If you need to slaughter a pig, you can hang it at a convenient level above the ground, first tying its hind limbs. Then they act in any way - they hit him in the heart or neck. A piglet is easier to handle than an adult because its body weight is smaller.

How to slaughter a pig: basic rules and slaughter of piglets

Raising a pig is a hassle, but slaughtering a pig properly is just as difficult. It is necessary not only to carry out this procedure humanely so that the animal does not suffer, but also the quality of the meat and its taste will depend on proper slaughter.

If the animal was slaughtered incorrectly, the fat and meat will have a scarlet color. And the shelf life of the product will be reduced to a minimum.

How to properly slaughter a pig at home

The first thing a farmer should focus on is the time when it is best to slaughter . This process is usually carried out in the fall. At this time the day is cool and it is easier to store meat. In addition, she is gaining quite a lot of weight.

How are pigs killed? What are the nuances? The day before the animal is slaughtered, you need to stop feeding the animals. They do this because:

  1. It will be easier to catch the animal, since it will be hungry.
  2. It is important that the stomach and intestines are freed, which will affect the quality of the final product - meat and lard.
  3. A few hours before the pig is slaughtered, they stop giving it water.

How to slaughter a pig, what is necessary?

In order to slaughter pigs, you will need some available materials.

  1. Sharp knife.
  2. Lots of warm water.
  3. Sledgehammer.
  4. Film.
  5. Straw or gas burner.
  6. Containers for storing blood and internal organs.

Those who slaughter pigs for the first time should remember that the environment should be quiet. If there are other inhabitants in your yard, they need to be taken to another room. But it is also worth remembering that a well-fed animal will not leave its home. It is best to take her out backwards , throwing a bag over her head.

How to properly slaughter a pig?

Many people are interested in the question: how to properly cut a pig? There are several slaughter methods in livestock farming.

  1. Slaughter is performed with a sharp knife. Several blows are performed to the heart. But to do this, it is worth grabbing the animal by the right leg and throwing it to the ground in order to determine where to strike. It is best to first feel the animal’s ribs. The blow is applied under the left side between the 3rd and 4th rib. Experienced farmers hit the artery. It is located between the neck and torso. The last method is most suitable for those who want cleaner meat. This procedure is not for the faint of heart, since after the blow is struck, the animal can still move its legs. As soon as the animal stops breathing, you can take out the knife. It is best to seal the wound with some available material.
  2. The next option is much more humane and simpler. Even a woman can handle it. The pig is taken out of the barn and tied by the leg. It is best to tie it with a rope to a peg. In this case, the length of the rope should not exceed a meter. She is stunned with a sledgehammer to the frontal part. The blow is struck slightly higher than the eyes. You can also hit the back of the head, but you need to hit it with force. Once the animal is stunned, a stab wound can be inflicted in the heart.

The second method has a number of advantages:

  • A person does not need to hold an animal for a long time, because its weight is not small. In addition, an angry animal can escape at any time.
  • The animal is stunned instantly and does not feel pain at all.

How are piglets slaughtered?

Large farms also use other common methods of slaughtering animals. For example, some carry out this procedure in special slaughterhouses. They are created specifically for slaughtering animals. The animal is hung on a hook , where it is sent on a conveyor belt for further procedures. There he is met by a slaughterer who delivers an instant blow straight to the heart. In some cases, the slaughterer may stab into the carotid artery, but he does not stab into the frontal bone. He only works with a knife.

Many households acquire small conveyors. They are practical in the sense that during slaughter the blood flows into a separate container. And this procedure is so streamlined that the slaughter of pigs and piglets occurs non-stop.

In smaller slaughterhouses, piglets are slaughtered in the same way. They strike under the left shoulder blade with a sharp knife. After which she falls to the ground .

Piglets can be slaughtered in any way. The only thing you need to focus on is the weight of the animal. It is best to slaughter a suckling pig alone on a high stool. You can stab it in the neck area. The animal will immediately fall asleep and will not feel pain.

If the piglet has grown large, then you will need the help of a friend, since someone must hold the animal by its hind legs.

Electrocutioner for pigs and firearms

Some farmers use a stun gun to slaughter pigs, wild boar or piglets. This method is considered one of the inhumane. First, the animal is stunned using a shocker. Afterwards a puncture is made in the area of ​​the heart.

It is worth noting that this method is suitable for slaughtering wild boar. Since the male is so large that it can be difficult even for men to hold him.

Another option for slaughter is with a gun. This option for slaughtering a pig is suitable for an escaping animal. If a pig or wild boar escapes , then catching the animal will not be easy. Therefore, in this case, firearms come to the rescue.

How to kill a boar: conditions and rules

Killing a large wild boar is not an easy task. Usually a team is assembled to carry out this procedure. A boar can weigh at least 110 kg, so it takes a lot of strength to hold it.

The first thing the owner does is take the animal out. After which, two assistants fix the animal’s legs (front and back).

The second is choosing the appropriate method . This could be a puncture of the heart, arteries, or the use of a stun gun.

Third, after the boar is slaughtered, the blood is drained. If this is not done immediately, the meat will be tasteless and its color will be predominantly scarlet.

Slaughtering pigs at home

In order to cope with the problem alone at home, you should initially stun him.

At home, a pig can be stunned with a blow to the head . You can use a sledgehammer for this. And also many people use the blunt side of the ax. The blow can be delivered both to the frontal bone and to the back of the head.

It is especially important before this to tie the animal to a peg, constructed in advance, before slaughtering the pig. After the blow, the animal will fall and can be quickly killed.

It is worth noting that you can slaughter a pig yourself, but not everyone can process and butcher it afterwards. The whole problem is the weight of the carcass. One piglet can weigh up to 100 kilograms, and an adult pig even over 250 kg. It will be difficult to lift such a carcass on your own.

The only exception is small boars, as well as Vietnamese piglets, which you can handle on your own.

Advice: if you do not have experience in slaughtering a pig, you should not carry out this procedure yourself for the first time. If you fail to hit the right spot the first time, you can cause serious injuries to the pig. Not only can the animal suffer, but such a puncture will also affect the taste characteristics of the future meat and lard.

You already know how to properly slaughter a pig, piglet and wild boar. The main thing in this process is to adhere to the basic rules and fulfill all the necessary conditions, and then the slaughter will be successful .

Slaughter process

The farmer's goal is to try to kill the animal quickly and without suffering. You should not be very frightened, as the released adrenaline hormone will give the meat an unpleasant taste. There are several ways to slaughter a pig:

  1. The first involves fixing the body and delivering an accurate and strong blow to the neck or heart.
  2. In the second method, the animal is first stunned by inflicting a strong blow to the frontal part of the head with a blunt object, and then either the carotid artery and jugular vein are cut, or the heart is pierced.

It is important to slaughter a pig correctly, choosing a more convenient option. Using the first method of slaughter, it is necessary to enlist the help of another person, since it can be difficult to secure an animal whose weight sometimes exceeds 200 kilograms. There are cases when a pig, distraught with fear, having received a fatal blow to the neck or heart, breaks free, runs around the farmyard in agony and squeals loudly. In a fit of rage, she is capable of injuring a person.

Pig slaughter

Pig slaughter

The second option is much simpler than the first, and if necessary, a woman can handle it, since after a blow to the head the pig switches off, but does not die. Then she does not feel fear or pain, which greatly facilitates the slaughter procedure. This method is safer, since a stunned pig cannot harm a person.

Let's look at the process of slaughter at home in more detail.

  1. Place a bowl of food in front of the pig, this will help distract it.
  2. A string is thrown over the hind limbs and pulled together, after which the animal falls. You can throw a rope over a strong crossbar and pull it towards you, thanks to which the pig will rise up in a suspended state.
  3. When the pig has calmed down, the jugular vein and carotid artery are quickly cut with a precise blow (the knife is inserted into the area where the neck and chest connect on one side).
  4. If a farmer needs blood for further processing, it is necessary to take care in advance of containers for collecting it.

Important! The knife should not be removed from the wound until the animal calms down. Next, it is carefully removed so that the blood comes out.

When can you slaughter a pig?

In this article we will talk about a convenient time for slaughtering sows, and we will also talk about when you can slaughter pigs if they have been on a spree. The situation with boars will not go unnoticed. After all, to obtain high-quality products, it is necessary to take into account all the physiological states of females and males. Even what they eat before this process matters. Otherwise, the meat or lard may taste unpleasant.

Female walking

Various physiological processes periodically occur in the body of animals. This includes, for example, the period of “hunting” in a female. Her puberty begins at 4-6 months. This is indicated by such signs as an increase in body weight and genital organs, and the onset of cyclicity. This means that the pig will go into heat at regular intervals (about every 3 weeks).

To say exactly how many days a pig walks, you need to describe its entire cycle. It includes periods:

  • excitement (3-5 days),
  • hunting (2-4 days),
  • calming (approximately 6-10 days),
  • rest (14-16 days).

Estrus begins the day before heat, and clear mucus is released from the genitals. Read more about this in the article “How many days do pigs walk?”

A female pig is sent to slaughter weighing 100-110 kg, but sometimes this is done when she weighs 50-60 kg. Usually by this time the young animals are already walking, as they have reached sexual maturity.

Now, directly, about whether it is possible to slaughter a pig during estrus. During this period, she experiences a hormonal surge. It significantly changes the quality of the meat and makes it tasteless. The best time to slaughter a pig is 7-10 days after the hunt. During these days, sex hormones return to normal, because they have such a strong influence on the smell and taste of meat products.

In order to slaughter on the right day, it is advisable to keep records of the reproductive cycle of pigs. Then you can accurately choose the appropriate date and not be afraid that the product will be spoiled.

Sows after farrowing

Pigs are slaughtered for meat most often when they reach their maximum body weight. But if it suddenly happened that a pig preparing for slaughter became pregnant, then it is unlikely that anyone would kill it in this state. In any case, they are waiting for the birth of offspring.

A pregnant sow increases in size, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Once she has farrowed and the babies have survived, they should ideally nurse for at least 1 month.

There are often cases when piglets die or for some reason are not fed by the uterus. Then you can slaughter the pig after farrowing. But if the female is put for slaughter, then it is best to wait 7 days for the milk to burn out. If you wait, she will go hunting again.

Sometimes during the birthing process a pig gets injured or develops some kind of disease (non-infectious). You can't wait. Inject her right away - otherwise she will lose weight during the treatment. And re-feeding her is not profitable. You need to be prepared for the fact that the meat will not be particularly tasty.

In the case of contagious diseases, pigs are usually killed and the corpses are disposed of, since contaminated meat cannot be eaten.

After weaning piglets, when there has been a long feeding period, the sow usually loses a lot of weight. The lactation period depletes it and there will be little meat. But, if you still need to inject, then you should also wait a week until the milk burns out. The fact is that it can impart a sweetish taste to meat products, but in general it does not affect the quality. If we talk about lard, then on the belly of a lactating pig it may not have a very attractive appearance. It is best to cut it out and send it for recycling.

Ideally, after weaning the pigs, the pig should be allowed to recover and gain back the lost weight. This usually takes about 2 months, but can be done in a month. It all depends on the owner's plans. If he is no longer going to mate the sow and get offspring from her, then he may well put her to fattening for subsequent slaughter.


It is possible to slaughter a boar after castration or not for the purpose of obtaining meat, we will explain further. Typically, a male piglet that is planned for slaughter is emasculated at an early age, up to six months. If you do this later, the pork will have an unpleasant smell and taste.

Boars are slaughtered when the breeding dog has already been exhausted or has been rejected. And it must be kept cold before slaughter.

The operation of castration of adult boars requires great responsibility. Anyone who has castrated animals on their own understands how great the chance of getting a complication is.

Neutered animals cannot be killed immediately. This makes no sense, since the substance skatole, produced by the hormone testosterone, accumulates in the muscles. This is what smells so bad. You need to wait a while before slaughtering. The minimum period is 2 months. But, if possible (especially if the boar happened regularly), then it is better to wait 4 months with slaughter.

There is also an opinion that you need to start from the age of the boars. If the animal was 1 year old, then we cut it a month after emasculation. And if 4-5, then in 2 at least.

Sometimes hermaphrodites are born among pigs. These are animals that have both male and female reproductive organs. Such individuals are not suitable for reproduction, but it is quite possible to put them for fattening and slaughter. It is best to slaughter such a piglet during the dairy period, when puberty has not begun.

With later options, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the individual and take into account the physiological characteristics of both the male and the female before slaughter.

Right time

It is advisable to slaughter pigs in their favorable physiological state and at the appropriate time. Typically, it is most profitable to keep pigs until they reach a weight of 100-120 kg. In the village, experienced farmers can advise on various timing details.

For example, if the slaughter of a pig is planned in the summer, then this is done early in the morning. There is still no intense heat and an abundance of insects. The process itself usually lasts up to 3 hours. If the miner is new to this business, then it will take more time.

Autumn is a more successful period when it is not hot and there are few insects. If the day is rainy, you can postpone the action or shoot under a canopy. In winter or after the first frost, you can cut a wild boar or pig at different times of the day. Villagers often slaughter during the waxing moon so that the meat is well preserved. In the lunar calendar you can see good and bad days.

No matter when this procedure is scheduled, if the pig was taking medications (antibiotics, anthelmintics, antiparasitics), then you need to wait until the deadline. Usually, the instructions for medicines indicate how long after slaughter can be carried out. Most often it is 7-10 days.

Meat and lard products

Let's move on to what to feed pigs to get quality products. There are different options for animal diets. One produces more meat, the other more fat. There is also bacon fattening, when the meat becomes fatty and has a layer.

Young animals that already weigh 100-120 kg are usually fattened for lard. By slaughter it must reach a weight of 160 kg. The sow is also suitable for fattening. Its weight can grow to 250-280 kg. It is with this weight that the animal is ready for slaughter, and the thickness of the sebaceous layer is at least 8 cm.

Animal feeding uses products that improve the quality of pork. These are barley, wheat, rye, broad beans, beets, potatoes, clover, skim milk. Loose lard and unpalatable meat come from corn, oats, bran, and potato pulp. This group of feeds should be no more than 50% in the diet.

Cake cakes, fish, fish meal, and soy have a bad effect on pork products. This group should be no more than 25%. They stop giving it to pigs a month and a half before slaughter.

When there are 2-3 months left before slaughter, experienced pig breeders feed pigs with skim milk, curdled milk, and whey. You can also get juicy meat if you give the animal 0.5 kg of sugar 2-3 days before slaughter. Read more about feeding animals in the article “Feeding a pig for quick weight gain.”

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The pig has gone on a spree - how to determine

Any farmer or homestead owner who raises pigs must independently be able to identify the signs of an impending hunt in a pig. Moreover, if the keeping involves breeding, and not just raising for slaughter. This is easy to notice by the behavior of the female.

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General signs of estrus and heat:

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  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • restless behavior, which is expressed in attempts to destroy the fence, walls of the pigsty, overturning the feeder;
  • constantly moving around the stall, scratching the back of the body against its walls;
  • constant grunting, squealing;
  • attempts to jump on other pigs regardless of their gender;
  • an excited state when the boar is close (the pig may jump up, stand on the partition or try to escape from it);
  • slight enlargement, swelling of the genital organs, the appearance of mucous discharge;
  • swelling of the udder, nipples;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • periodic reflex freezing in one position;
  • arching of the back, freezing in immobility when pressing on the lower back.

When can you slaughter a pig?

In this article we will talk about a convenient time for slaughtering sows, and we will also talk about when you can slaughter pigs if they have been on a spree. The situation with boars will not go unnoticed. After all, to obtain high-quality products, it is necessary to take into account all the physiological states of females and males. Even what they eat before this process matters. Otherwise, the meat or lard may taste unpleasant.

Female walking

Various physiological processes periodically occur in the body of animals. This includes, for example, the period of “hunting” in a female. Her puberty begins at 4-6 months. This is indicated by such signs as an increase in body weight and genital organs, and the onset of cyclicity. This means that the pig will go into heat at regular intervals (about every 3 weeks).

To say exactly how many days a pig walks, you need to describe its entire cycle. It includes periods:

  • excitement (3-5 days),
  • hunting (2-4 days),
  • calming (approximately 6-10 days),
  • rest (14-16 days).

Estrus begins the day before heat, and clear mucus is released from the genitals. Read more about this in the article “How many days do pigs walk?”

A female pig is sent to slaughter weighing 100-110 kg, but sometimes this is done when she weighs 50-60 kg. Usually by this time the young animals are already walking, as they have reached sexual maturity.

Now, directly, about whether it is possible to slaughter a pig during estrus. During this period, she experiences a hormonal surge. It significantly changes the quality of the meat and makes it tasteless. The best time to slaughter a pig is 7-10 days after the hunt. During these days, sex hormones return to normal, because they have such a strong influence on the smell and taste of meat products.

In order to slaughter on the right day, it is advisable to keep records of the reproductive cycle of pigs. Then you can accurately choose the appropriate date and not be afraid that the product will be spoiled.

Sows after farrowing

Pigs are slaughtered for meat most often when they reach their maximum body weight. But if it suddenly happened that a pig preparing for slaughter became pregnant, then it is unlikely that anyone would kill it in this state. In any case, they are waiting for the birth of offspring.

A pregnant sow increases in size, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Once she has farrowed and the babies have survived, they should ideally nurse for at least 1 month.

There are often cases when piglets die or for some reason are not fed by the uterus. Then you can slaughter the pig after farrowing. But if the female is put for slaughter, then it is best to wait 7 days for the milk to burn out. If you wait, she will go hunting again.

Sometimes during the birthing process a pig gets injured or develops some kind of disease (non-infectious). You can't wait. Inject her right away - otherwise she will lose weight during the treatment. And re-feeding her is not profitable. You need to be prepared for the fact that the meat will not be particularly tasty.

In the case of contagious diseases, pigs are usually killed and the corpses are disposed of, since contaminated meat cannot be eaten.

After weaning piglets, when there has been a long feeding period, the sow usually loses a lot of weight. The lactation period depletes it and there will be little meat. But, if you still need to inject, then you should also wait a week until the milk burns out. The fact is that it can impart a sweetish taste to meat products, but in general it does not affect the quality. If we talk about lard, then on the belly of a lactating pig it may not have a very attractive appearance. It is best to cut it out and send it for recycling.

Ideally, after weaning the pigs, the pig should be allowed to recover and gain back the lost weight. This usually takes about 2 months, but can be done in a month. It all depends on the owner's plans. If he is no longer going to mate the sow and get offspring from her, then he may well put her to fattening for subsequent slaughter.


It is possible to slaughter a boar after castration or not for the purpose of obtaining meat, we will explain further. Typically, a male piglet that is planned for slaughter is emasculated at an early age, up to six months. If you do this later, the pork will have an unpleasant smell and taste.

Boars are slaughtered when the breeding dog has already been exhausted or has been rejected. And it must be kept cold before slaughter.

The operation of castration of adult boars requires great responsibility. Anyone who has castrated animals on their own understands how great the chance of getting a complication is.

Neutered animals cannot be killed immediately. This makes no sense, since the substance skatole, produced by the hormone testosterone, accumulates in the muscles. This is what smells so bad. You need to wait a while before slaughtering. The minimum period is 2 months. But, if possible (especially if the boar happened regularly), then it is better to wait 4 months with slaughter.

There is also an opinion that you need to start from the age of the boars. If the animal was 1 year old, then we cut it a month after emasculation. And if 4-5, then in 2 at least.

Sometimes hermaphrodites are born among pigs. These are animals that have both male and female reproductive organs. Such individuals are not suitable for reproduction, but it is quite possible to put them for fattening and slaughter. It is best to slaughter such a piglet during the dairy period, when puberty has not begun.

With later options, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the individual and take into account the physiological characteristics of both the male and the female before slaughter.

Right time

It is advisable to slaughter pigs in their favorable physiological state and at the appropriate time. Typically, it is most profitable to keep pigs until they reach a weight of 100-120 kg. In the village, experienced farmers can advise on various timing details.

For example, if the slaughter of a pig is planned in the summer, then this is done early in the morning. There is still no intense heat and an abundance of insects. The process itself usually lasts up to 3 hours. If the miner is new to this business, then it will take more time.

Autumn is a more successful period when it is not hot and there are few insects. If the day is rainy, you can postpone the action or shoot under a canopy. In winter or after the first frost, you can cut a wild boar or pig at different times of the day. Villagers often slaughter during the waxing moon so that the meat is well preserved. In the lunar calendar you can see good and bad days.

No matter when this procedure is scheduled, if the pig was taking medications (antibiotics, anthelmintics, antiparasitics), then you need to wait until the deadline. Usually, the instructions for medicines indicate how long after slaughter can be carried out. Most often it is 7-10 days.

Time for slaughter

The correct time for slaughtering an animal is important. In most cases, pigs whose weight exceeds 100-110 kg are sent for slaughter. Experienced farmers recommend working this summer in the morning, when there is still no intense heat and flies. It should be borne in mind that the entire procedure, including cutting the carcass, will last at least 3 hours, and if it is performed by a person for the first time, it will take even longer.

In winter, you can stab a pig at any time of the day. If the weather is rainy, it is best to postpone the event, although if a convenient covered area is available, the slaughter can be carried out. The physical condition of the animal must also be taken into account. Some time must pass after taking antibiotics or other veterinary medications, anthelmintic and antiparasitic treatment. If the pig has recently undergone treatment, it is important to follow the slaughter times recommended in the instructions for the medications.

Optimal slaughter time

Piglets are slaughtered taking into account weather conditions, the weight of the animal, and the physiological state. The weather factor is important when preserving meat, so most often slaughter begins with the onset of stable low temperatures. In summer, you can choose a cold, cloudy day when there are few insects.

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The weight of an adult female at slaughter is about 100-110 kg. However, some pig breeders begin to slaughter piglets that have reached a weight of 50-60 kg. By this age, pigs have already reached the age of puberty and are in heat. Many novice pig farmers are interested in whether it is possible to slaughter a pig while it is walking. It is undesirable to do this, since the organoleptic qualities of the meat deteriorate due to the hormonal surge of the animal. You should wait until the end of the hunt and slaughter 7-10 days after it. During this time, sex hormones are removed from the body, which give the meat an unpleasant odor and a specific taste. It is recommended to note the timing of the previous oestrus in order to plan slaughter at the optimal time based on the pig's cycle. The procedure can be complicated by the lack of appetite and unbalanced behavior of the piglet, when it is difficult to catch and secure it.

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Some pig farms use the heat state to their advantage. To increase growth rates, gilts in estrus are inseminated. In fertilized females, vital activity is activated and metabolism accelerates. Nutrients from feed are better absorbed and weight gain increases. Slaughter is carried out 1-2 months after insemination.

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