Rules for taming and training a decorative rabbit

How to accustom a rabbit to your hands: how to pick it up correctly

It is becoming increasingly popular to have a decorative rabbit as a pet. There are some peculiarities in accustoming a rabbit to your hands, and peculiarities in how to properly restrain it, for example, at an appointment with a veterinarian.

Photo. Each animal has its own characteristics of training and finding contact with it. Animals can hurt if you hurt them. Therefore, you need to be able to fix it correctly. even a rabbit.

What not to do when fixing rabbits of any breed

  1. Approach from behind and take suddenly. The rabbit is a sensitive, cowardly animal. Quick reaction and running away from danger are the main “weapons” of the victim.
  2. Pick it up in your arms with your hind paws pointing toward the clamp. Rodents have hind legs, not teeth, that are weapons of defense. A blow can tear clothing and even cut the skin of an unwary person.
  3. Fix on the back for a long time. This position is deadly for a rabbit; restraint is used when the rabbit's claws are cut.
  4. Grab the rabbit by the ears. This is painful and dangerous for the animal.

This animal is quite charming and affectionate if you treat it correctly. It is worth noting that any breed of rabbit is very timid, such is the nature of the animal. To avoid stress and discomfort, you need to know how to accustom a rabbit to handling, since contact with the animal is inevitable, even if it lives in a cage or enclosure.

How to pick up a decorative rabbit?

First of all, the new owner needs to learn how to properly pick up the animal. Animals often become very frightened when they find themselves torn off the ground, but over time the pet must get used to such sensations.

IMPORTANT! You cannot pick up a rabbit by the ears. This can cause damage to the muscles and ear membranes.

It is most convenient to pick up a pet by clasping the animal’s chest under the front legs with one hand, and supporting the body from below with the other hand. Gradually, the animal will get used to human hands and the owner can try to hold the rabbit close to him in this position. Animals often fall asleep in the arms of their owner if a trusting relationship has already developed between them.

How to handle a baby rabbit

When you bring your baby rabbit home, do not let him out of the cage for several days. A protected area will be the best assistant in the adaptation of the animal. Then you can open the cage and give various treats. But don't rush into hand feeding. Just put the food in the rabbit's cage. After 3-4 days, you can release the rabbit for the first time to inspect the home. There is no need to follow him, laugh loudly and be touched. Any dynamic movement can scare away the eared one.

Try not to stand at your full height towards the rabbit, especially if the animal’s cage is on the floor, it may regard you as a threat.

Any living thing that is larger than it is assessed as a potential predator. It is best for your eyes to be at the baby's eye level. When you “drive” the rabbit back into the cage, gently grasp it by the withers, then support its hind legs. This is exactly how you need to fix the baby rabbit’s position when you pick him up. Many people are mistaken in this regard, thinking that rabbits need to be picked up by the ears. This is a grave mistake. This option will not work with a decorative rabbit. He will always perceive such treatment as a threat. Therefore, even when purchasing, do not pick up the rabbit by the ears.

Correct steps to tame a rabbit

When you bring an animal home, let it be alone with itself. You can observe the following picture: the rabbit usually begins to sniff the cage, new bedding, etc. Feed your pet. Wait until the baby adapts to the new environment. You will see how he washes himself and combs his hair. After the little rabbit has slept, you can begin to act.

  1. Approach his cage. Start talking to him quietly, affectionately. Avoid tactile contact during this time.
  2. Let the animal get used to your presence. Say his nickname as often as possible, talk to him;

If you see that the baby reacts calmly to your presence, you can try letting him sniff your hand through the cage. Take any treat and place it nearby. When the rabbit eats, he will reach out to sniff your fingers. If a rabbit bites your finger, do not make sudden movements. The rabbit bites painfully. However, if he is not in any danger, he may bite you lightly for familiarization. This is a good sign. When the rabbit gets used to your hand, you can pet it. Do this slowly so as not to scare the animal. The best place for stroking is the forehead. Do not touch your nose under any circumstances. This is the most vulnerable and tender part of a rabbit's body. Rabbits' nose movements are quite charming, but if you touch this organ, you may be injured. A rabbit can even bite until it bleeds.

How to properly accustom a rabbit to handling?

It all starts with the process of choosing a pet. Regardless of what breed the animal belongs to, it is worth getting to know its parents: if they are calm, friendly and have a stable psyche, it is most likely that their rabbits will have the same qualities.

Sometimes unscrupulous breeders sell not ornamental rabbits, but wild ones. They can also be trained, but much more difficult. Therefore, it is better to purchase a pet from responsible breeders with a good reputation.

It is best for a rabbit to get used to a new owner when it is under 8 weeks of age. You should not take an older animal: most likely, the baby rabbit has already gotten used to another person, so such a change will be very stressful for him.

When a rabbit is selected, purchased and brought to a new home, it needs to be given time to get comfortable : look around, sniff everything, eat and choose a place where it will lie. After this, you can approach the cage and speak to the animal in a quiet, affectionate tone, calling its new nickname. This way the pet will get used to the presence of the owner and his voice.

The next stage is physical contact . It is better to start it in a cage - there the little rabbit feels safe. First you need him to see and examine the hand. To do this, you should not bring it too close to its face - rabbits are farsighted and do not see objects close up: a hand appearing out of nowhere can frighten the animal.

When the rabbit sees the hand, you need to wait for him to come and sniff it. It is better to have some kind of treat in your hand: the pet should associate the owner’s hands with tasty food and affection. After he has eaten the treat, you can gently stroke his nose.

When the animal is in a cage, you should not try to pick it up or stroke its back or tummy. In most cases the rabbit will not like this.

After the rabbit gets used to the voice and hands of the owner, you can proceed to the next step - communication outside the cage . You need to let your pet out of the enclosure and sit on the floor at his level. At this time, you need to talk to the animal - hearing a familiar voice, the pet will feel safe. You need to place your hand next to you, palm up, and place a cracker or a piece of vegetable on it.

If the previous stages of acquaintance went correctly, then, most likely, the little rabbit will quickly want to approach the hand himself. After he eats the treat, you can lightly stroke his back. This action must be done several times.

After the animal gets used to sitting in the palm of your hand, you can lift it up to a small height, holding it with your other hand. It is important that the rabbit feels solid support, otherwise it will get scared. At the same time, you need to continue talking to him. After the rabbit gets used to this action, you can hold it in your arms for a little while, pressing them to your chest.

If the rabbit begins to squeal and tries to escape, you need to carefully place it on the floor. Haste can lead to animal aggression, injury and bites.

How to gradually accustom a rabbit to your hands is described in this video:

See also Names for decorative rabbits, boys and girls

If the rabbit is very small, very scared and cannot calm down, it needs special sensitivity. It’s not surprising - too many changes have taken place in his life. In this case, you can gently wrap the baby in a soft towel while continuing to talk kindly to him. The warmth and soft fabric will remind the animal of its mother rabbit, and it will calm down faster. And the owner’s voice will be associated with maternal warmth.

What not to do when taming a baby rabbit:

  • immediately and abruptly pick up the animal;
  • standing over him, suddenly bending down - he may think that this is a predator;
  • lift by the ears;
  • touching the nose is the most sensitive organ in rabbits;
  • give or leave for a long time to strangers.

How to train a decorative rabbit to leave the cage

The process of taming a baby rabbit can last from a couple of days to several months. Much depends on the owner himself and his correct treatment of the eared one. In fact, rabbits are very curious animals. If you already see his readiness for a walk, just open the cage door slightly, he will come out of it himself. When the baby is walking on the floor, it is advisable for the owner to sit on the floor and not move until he wants to come to you. Give yourself the opportunity to smell yourself. And keep any treat (a piece of cracker, carrot) next to you. If the little rabbit does not see you as a threat, he will go into your arms. Keep your palms on the floor and attract him with various treats. When the rabbit sits on your palm, raise your hand, you need to do this slowly. Allow yourself to touch the baby. But if you see that the rabbit is excited, it means it’s not time for tactile caresses.

How to tame a rabbit?

The owner of the animal should know that the new pet will not immediately get used to it and will be happy to be held. The taming process can take from a couple of days to several months - the exact timing depends on how communicative the pet is and the correctness of the owner’s communication with it. So, the first acquaintance should begin only after the animal examines the cage, eats, washes itself and lies down to rest. At this time, the owner can slowly approach the cage and, standing or sitting near it, talk to the animal

It is important to speak in a quiet, calm voice and not make loud noises. If the rabbit does not try to hide and does not show signs of anxiety, you can move on to the next stage of training the animal, otherwise you need to leave it alone and then try again

At this stage, the rabbit can be called by name, called by diminutive nicknames

At this stage, the rabbit can be called by name, called by diminutive nicknames.

The process of taming a rabbit can take from several days to several months.

The next step is to introduce your pet to your hands. At this time, the owner's main task is to show the rabbit that his hands are safe. For this:

a clean hand is carefully inserted into the cage so as not to disturb the pet; without making sudden movements, attract the pet’s attention - this can be done with your voice; when the rabbit approaches your hand, you should allow him to sniff it, lick it, and bite it lightly. To convince the animal that it is safe, you can give it various treats from your hands - a small cracker, a piece of fruit, and others. And only when the pet ceases to be distrustful of the owner, you can gently touch him and then stroke him

And only when the pet ceases to be distrustful of the owner, you can gently touch him and then stroke him

To convince the animal that it is safe, you can give it various treats from your hands - a small cracker, a piece of fruit, and others. And only when the pet ceases to be distrustful of the owner, you can gently touch him and then stroke him.

Feeding a rabbit by hand is a sure way to convince it of its owner's safety.

When the rabbit responds calmly to the hand, you can let him out for a short walk around the room, it happens like this:

  • the cage is placed on the floor and left open;
  • rabbits are curious enough, so he will be attracted by the open door and crawl out;
  • the owner at this time carefully observes the actions of the animal while sitting on the floor and not moving;
  • in most cases, the rabbit approaches the owner and begins to study him - here you can treat the animal with a treat;
  • when the walk comes to an end, you should put the cage right in front of the pet, and put something tasty inside it - for example, a piece of apple or a leaf of cabbage, the space around the rabbit and the cage is fenced off with the help of your palms;
  • When the animal gets into the cage, close the door tightly.

Rabbits eat cabbage

When the pet fearlessly approaches the owner outside the cage and allows itself to be petted, you can proceed to further actions.

To get the rabbit to climb on its own, do this: when the animal is walking around the room, attract its attention with a treat placed on an open palm. The hand is on the floor at this time

When the rabbit climbs onto your palm, raise your hand slightly

Gradually, if the animal does not show anxiety, increase the height of raising the arm. At the same time, you can pet your pet and speak kindly to it.

When the rabbit climbs onto the palm, the hand is raised slightly. Gradually, if the animal does not show anxiety, increase the height of raising the arm. At the same time, you can pet your pet and speak kindly to it.

Once the rabbit begins to allow itself to be stroked, it can already be picked up

It is recommended to pick up the rabbit with your hand from below, as this does not cause him any disturbance. For an animal, a hand raised from above is a sign of danger, which can cause severe fear or even lead to death. The owner does not need to worry if his pet does not want to sit in his arms, but prefers to be nearby and allows himself to be stroked - this way the animal feels more protected.

How to properly handle a rabbit during examination

how to properly keep rabbits, you should always remember this when visiting a veterinarian, groomer, or at an exhibition. Rabbits are quite vulnerable animals. Therefore, you need to be constantly monitored by a veterinarian and get vaccinations.

  1. Give your rabbit time to get used to you, then you can freely take him for examinations.
  2. Always take the baby by the withers, if you come to the veterinarian, always stay with him alone.

Photo. This way you can fix a rabbit, but only in a state of anesthesia. Otherwise, the rabbit is capable of hitting the young veterinarian with its hind legs in the chest and even in the face. This is very painful.

The specialist himself knows how to handle such shy animals, and an inexperienced owner must understand that if you do the inspection yourself, then your eyes should always be visible to the little rabbit.

How to properly pick up a rabbit

Rabbits can die from fear. They are especially afraid when they are picked up. But the training process is impossible without tactile interaction. Therefore, so that long-eared panties are not afraid of human touches, they need to be accustomed to hands.

The baby rabbit's eyes see a person as a large blurry spot. If you hang over an animal, the animal will perceive this as a threat and become afraid. Therefore, it is better to pick up a pet if you stand behind or crouch.

When picking up a rabbit, you should remember the following recommendations:

  • When lifting the animal, use not one hand, but both (hold the front paws with one, and the back of the body with the other).
  • It is allowed to grab the eared dog by the withers with one hand, provided that the other hand supports the sacrum.
  • The animal can be lifted to a height if it is well secured.
  • Raise the animal so that the head is always higher than the back of the body.
  • You should not allow the fluffy to see the floor (it will immediately try to escape).

It is strictly forbidden to lift a long-eared pet by the ears, paws, tail or scruff of the neck, pass the animal from person to person by weight, scream, and even more so beat the pet.

How to safely pick up a rabbit
“On the hand”
(for everyone) The back of the animal is supported on the elbow. The same hand is used to support the limbs in front. With the other hand they hold the little rabbit by the withers.
For the cowardly,
the muzzle is placed inside the elbow bend, and the torso is supported from below with the same hand. With the other hand, they fix the shoulder girdle of the animal and press it to you.
For aggressive
animals, grab the animal by the withers with one hand, and hold the hind legs with the other hand. At the same time, the hind legs are turned into space, otherwise the rabbit may scratch the person’s hands.

If the rabbit growls, attacks the owner, stomps its hind limbs, or tries to attack, then during this period it is better to postpone all procedures.

Can a rabbit be placed on its back?

Avoid placing your rabbit on its back unless necessary. A rabbit has a weak spine; sudden movement can fatally damage the vertebrae. In addition, lying on its back may cause your rabbit to stop breathing.

To examine the fur and belly, you need to carefully lay the fluffy on his back. Please note that it is uncomfortable for rabbits to lie on their backs, so you need to quickly perform the necessary manipulations, for example, how to trim the claws on a rabbit’s paws. However, be careful. The rabbit does not like sudden movements, especially when laid on its back, as a result it can damage its spine or injure its owner. Read how to do this as correctly as possible.

Photo. This can also be recorded. Please note that the veterinarian secures the rabbit in the lumbar region, preventing it from hitting with its hind legs. The clamp gently holds him by the withers, limiting his mobility.

If you see that the rabbit itself runs into your arms and reacts to your voice, then you can be sure that this long-eared one has become accustomed to you and, perhaps, has even fallen in love with you.

How to tame a rabbit?

Rabbits are cautious and timid by nature. In their natural habitat, these qualities save their lives. Therefore, you should not expect your pet to immediately jump into your arms and curl up into a tender ball. You still have to earn his trust, and this is not as easy as it seems.

Serious mistakes on the way to establishing contact work against you: it is very easy to scare a rabbit and force it to avoid your company. Therefore, we act carefully, slowly and always in a friendly manner. Punishments and any manifestations of rudeness in relation to such a sensitive pet will only ruin things!

These 10 steps will help you tame your pet rabbit.

  • Buy a rabbit at a young age. As a rule, there are no problems with taming rabbits. Whereas an adult rabbit with an established solitary character may never be given into the hands of even the most caring ones.
  • Tame only after adaptation. If you recently purchased a rabbit, rushing to it with hugs is a bad idea. Give him a few days to adapt.
  • Do not hurry. Tame your rabbit gradually. At first it will break out of your hands - and this is normal. Don't insist, don't chase after him. Just try again the next day, and so on. Over time, he will stop being afraid of you.
  • Handle the rabbit gently and gently. Do not put pressure on him and do not grab him by the ears under any circumstances. There are a lot of nerve endings in the ears. By annoying them, you will cause your pet severe pain.
  • Lure your rabbit with a treat and be sure to reward him when he climbs into your arms. This move works with any pets.
  • It is advisable to start taming with acquaintance at a distance, i.e. simple sniffing. Hold out your palm with a treat to the rabbit. Let the animal treat itself and calmly sniff your hand. He must understand that you are no threat. When the rabbit begins to approach you fearlessly, you can try to pick it up.
  • Ideally, the rabbit should climb into your palm on its own. Lift it up, holding it gently with your hand.
  • Do not grab the rabbit suddenly, do not make sudden movements, so as not to cause him to associate it with an attack by a predator.

  • Avoid stress. Taming is carried out in a calm atmosphere. If the rabbit is nervous due to any stimuli (noise, strong odors, other pets, health problems, etc.), your attempts will fail.
  • If you have children in your family, allow them to handle the rabbit only after you have tamed it yourself. Don't forget to explain to your kids how to behave around pets and carefully monitor their actions.

Children should play with the rabbit under the strict supervision of adults!

By following these rules, you will build a true friendship with your pet.

Does it need to be tamed?

It is imperative to accustom your new baby to your company. The fact is that in any case you will have to contact the animal outside the cage (wash or comb the baby rabbit), and doing this with an animal that is not afraid of you is much easier than with a pet huddled in the corner of its house. It is important that the eared rabbit is tame, since stress, especially for decorative rabbits, is very dangerous. Next we will talk about how to tame a rabbit.

How to train a rabbit and teach commands

When training, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not shout at the animal, do not scold for mistakes, do not use physical force.
  • Create a calm atmosphere and show positive emotions.
  • Convert all tasks into a game.
  • Determine the exact list of teams with which work will be carried out.
  • Do not interrupt the process of studying - study daily (preferably in the morning or late in the evening) with a gradual increase in the amount of time spent on them.
  • Conduct training in a fenced area.
  • Never force your little eared dog to exercise.
Examples of tricks a rabbit can learn
Example assignmentExecution method
Jumping over an obstacleThe treat is held in the hands so that the animal cannot reach it without moving through an improvised obstacle. After a successful jump, the animal is given a treat, while simultaneously stroking its back.
SkateboardingUse a small 4-wheel skateboard. Ushastika is taught to move off it, but at the same time they control that the slope does not exceed 10%, and the length of the path is up to 60-70 cm.
Exercises with a ballThe easiest way to teach a rabbit to push a ball is to place a treat under the ball. After several lessons, the animal will instantly run to the ball and push it with its muzzle in search of a tasty treat.
Exercises with a platePlace food under the plate and then attach it to the bottom with tape. The rabbit, in search of food, will quickly understand what to do - it will begin to grab the saucer with its teeth and turn it over.
Unrolling toilet paperThe trainer needs to roll out a roll of paper, and place the baby rabbit on the edge of the sheet, with the front paws placed on the roll. You need to hold the treat in your hand. In pursuit of food, the animal will begin to move its paws and twist the roll.

Rabbits are living creatures, so they tend to get tired. If you take into account their physical capabilities and give them breaks, they will definitely please their owners with the tasks they perform.

Video How to train a rabbit

Taming process

Now that you know why a rabbit may be afraid of you and how age and genetics influence this, let’s find out how to tame a baby. First of all, you need to give the baby a little time to adapt. Let him sniff the entire cage, brush himself and eat. After this, the rabbit must choose a place to rest, and when he does this, you can begin to meet you.

Start talking quietly to your baby, holding out your palm so that the pet can sniff it. You can offer the animal a small piece of treat, this will reduce stress levels, allow the pet to relax and begin to trust you.

The main thing is not to rush

You can begin to release your pet from the cage. To do this, lower the little rabbit to the floor and sit next to him. Wait for the rabbit to approach you, and then calmly touch its fur. With the help of treats, you need to lure your pet into your hand and ensure that he is calm about lifting him to a small height.

The best way is feeding

Any treat is a wonderful way to make pet rabbits easier to tame. The fact is that the smell of your favorite food significantly reduces stress levels, which means it will be much easier for your pet to trust you.

The baby must be taught from the first day of his appearance in the house, first simply approach the cage and talk to him, and feeding will give him the opportunity to adapt faster. Over time, when the eared dog perceives its owner as a breadwinner and stops feeling fear when it appears, you can begin to accustom it to hands, which should also be done with the help of treats.

How to stop biting

Many pet fluffies show their own personalities. Some of them can even bite their owner. There are many reasons why a rabbit begins to show tempers, but they are always based on fear. We will talk further about how to stop a rabbit from biting.

First of all, you need to remember that you cannot take the baby out of the house or cage without his desire. In addition, physical punishment should not be used for biting. This will only confirm the animal’s fears, which means it stimulates it to continue using the same defensive reaction.

If your pet starts to bite you, you need to respond with a sharp and loud cry, and then immediately take the animal to the cage. Remember that many pets may begin to throw food, dishes and toys around the cage in a fit of anger and resentment for punishment. Never mind, but when the furry bully calms down, be sure to reward him with a treat.

Expert advice

Next, we will look at a few tips that will help you understand how to tame a decorative rabbit. You cannot take your pet from above. The fact is that eared animals are instinctively afraid of such treatment, because in nature only predators do this to them. Remember that such treatment may result in instant death of the pet from heart failure. You should also not stand over your pet. They automatically perceive any larger objects as danger.

Don’t forget that most eared babies do not like to sit in their owner’s arms. By biting or tossing and turning, they can show you their hostility, so it is better to allow them to be near you without causing unnecessary discomfort.

How to hand train a rabbit

Before picking up a rabbit, you should accustom it to them, teach it not to be afraid and not to perceive it as a threat.

How to pick up correctly

The popular belief that rabbits are carried by the ears is, to put it mildly, erroneous. This method of transportation is quite painful, and due to such handling, ear membranes and muscle tissue can be damaged. They take the rabbit, clasping it by the chest under the front legs with one hand and holding the back and rump with the other. By supporting it below, you can press it to your body.

Taming process

For the most part, rabbits are tamed quite easily; with a reasonable approach, it does not take much time.

In the first days of being in your house, do not frighten the animal with violent hugs; it is best to leave it alone in a cage where the rabbit can hide in the sleeping compartment, and talk to it in a gentle, calm voice so that it gets used to its sound.

You can try to treat someone who dares to look out of the shelter with a tasty piece of carrot or apple, making sure, however, that he does not have the opportunity to bite your hand. Just don’t make sudden movements so as not to scare the fluffy one. It takes time for him to get used to the smell of his owner and his home.

If you come across a brave and sociable animal, which after a short time demonstrates its readiness for contact, you can carefully stroke it, keeping your hands away from its nose. Watch his body language: if the animal becomes scared, he is tired and wants to stop communicating - do not force him.

He should have the ability to independently initiate communication with a person. It is very important to talk to your baby in a gentle, calm voice, calling him by name with different intonations.

An animal with the instincts of a wild animal should be accustomed to physical contact gradually, starting with your hands.

In order to convince your pet that your hands are safe, after he gets used to the house and voice, you should:

  • carefully insert a clean hand without foreign odors into the cage without disturbing its occupant;
  • attract his attention not with a movement, especially a sharp one, but with a voice;
  • let the animal get to know your hand: lick or sniff, maybe even bite a little;
  • Give your rabbit a treat: this will help build trust between you.

Only after overcoming the barrier of mistrust can you begin to gently touch his fur, lightly stroking his back and sides.

After successful completion of this stage, the pet is released for a walk around the apartment to explore the territory.

Surveillance in close proximity

When letting your rabbit out for a walk, it is better to sit on the floor and watch him from such a position so as not to scare the small creature with your size. Having familiarized itself with the environment, the pet will most likely express a desire to study you, if all previous actions were carried out correctly.

When he approaches, you can gently stroke his fur with a smooth, slow movement. Do not forget that you need to talk to the rabbit in a gentle voice, to which he should have become accustomed at this stage of taming.

After the fear of your hand has been overcome, you can try to pick it up without lifting it high, so as not to imitate a predator’s grasp.

This is done this way:

  • the open palm is placed on the floor, a delicacy-bait is placed in it;
  • after the animal climbs onto the palm, lightly stroke it on the back and, holding it with this hand, lift it slightly on the lower palm;
  • repeat the procedure several times, giving the eared animal the opportunity to get used to this procedure;
  • On your next “walk”, you can be a little bolder in picking him up and holding him a little.

Taming a rabbit, training and litter box training

It’s good if the decorative rabbit you bought turned out to be affectionate, accustomed to your hands and to the tray. But in most cases, new owners have to start raising a rabbit from scratch. Even if training a small pet is not of interest to everyone, the question remains: “How to train a rabbit to use a litter box?” It is very relevant among beginning rabbit breeders, because who would like to collect its waste from the entire apartment after each walk of an animal?

How to tame a rabbit, and what to do with aggressive animals

So, you have created favorable conditions for keeping a rabbit, equipped its cage, stocked up on suitable food, all that remains is to purchase the animal itself and get serious about raising it. First, let him get used to the new environment, then tame the little furry in your arms, teach him to go only in the litter box, and only then, if you wish, you can start training your pet - teach him to respond to his name, walk on a leash, and even perform funny tricks.

Do not think that a recently purchased rabbit will quickly get used to being handled if you constantly catch it and forcefully hold it close to you. On the contrary, in such conditions the animal will adapt much longer, becoming afraid of new owners. Be patient and allow the frightened animal to first look around in an unfamiliar place, tidy up its coat and wash itself. But when the rabbit begins to taste the food and relaxes in the cage, we can assume that he has completely settled down.

To tame a decorative rabbit, you should approach its cage smoothly, without making sudden movements, and speaking quietly to the animal. Try to provide your pet with a calm environment, without barking dogs, extraneous noise or loud conversations.

First, let your rabbit get used to your hand - let him explore, sniff, and get used to your scent. A tasty treat will additionally help to win over the rabbit. Gently pat the baby on the head, but if at the same time he shrinks into a ball, leave him alone for a while. Keep in mind that small rabbits perceive any taller creature as a predator. Therefore, you should not hang over the cage; it is better to sit down so that you are on the same level as the rabbit, then he will be more likely to approach you.

Decorative rabbits are not tame by nature, but they love affection, especially when their forehead is scratched or their back is gently kneaded with their hands. This massage makes rabbits freeze and melt. It’s just better to pet them while they are outside the cage - you shouldn’t take the animal out of the cage for this purpose, because it will perceive such treatment as a manifestation of aggression on your part. If you happen to forcibly hold a rabbit in your hands while trimming its claws or combing it, calmly explain to it what you are doing and why - domestic rabbits perceive human voices well.

What to do with aggressive rabbits?

What to do if the rabbit begins to attack the owner, bite or play dirty tricks? There are three possible causes of animal aggression and three ways to solve them.

Explain who is boss in the house

It happens that a rabbit tries to take the position of the owner. In this case, he can bite, forcing the owner to move. With rabbits, as with dogs, it is important to show who is in charge. To do this, when a rabbit has bitten, you need to slightly raise your voice at him, and then firmly but gently push him off of you or put him away. If after the second or third time the animal does not understand, you need to lock it in an enclosure so that it understands: its freedom of movement is in the hands of its owner.

Balance hormonal levels

Sometimes the cause of aggression in a rabbit is hormones. This applies to cases where this character trait appeared unexpectedly, at the age of 3-5 months. In this case, castration or sterilization of the animal will help.

Help you feel safe

Another reason for changes in an animal’s behavior is fear. Perhaps one of the family members or guests behaved incorrectly towards the animal, for example, carelessly hurt it. In this case, you need to completely isolate them from each other for a while and re-establish a trusting relationship, first with the owner, and then with a family member or guest, if necessary.

What not to do:

  • hitting an animal with your hand or a newspaper - only something good should come from the owner;
  • starve to make more compliant;
  • withdrawing your hand when the rabbit tries to attack - this way he will understand that his owner is afraid of him.

Decorative rabbits are friendly and cheerful pets. But first you need to establish a trusting relationship with them, teach them commands and not allow a careless attitude towards your pet.

Clean rabbits are easily litter trained

Before letting your rabbit out for a walk around the apartment, you need to teach him to easily find his litter box.

Little rabbits quickly get used to going to the litter box, just keep in mind that in a new environment, kids may get confused and not immediately figure out where the toilet is. Place the tray in the corner of the cage where the baby rabbit most often goes to relieve himself. If you put sawdust at the bottom of the cage, then it will be useful to put a small amount of sawdust wetted by the rabbit in the tray, but it is better to put straw at the bottom of the cage and pour filler into the toilet so that the rabbit clearly distinguishes between the “toilet” and the “dining room”. You should not use cat litter, as your pet can chew it; compressed sawdust or shavings are quite suitable.

It is necessary to train a decorative rabbit to a tray every day, collecting soaked straw and “peas” from the cage in the morning and evening and transferring them to the tray. As soon as you notice that the little rabbit is making a puddle outside his toilet, immediately transfer him to the tray, repeating the same phrase each time (for example, “go potty!”), but under no circumstances scold the rabbit! If your pet makes progress, reward him with a treat.

Before letting your rabbit out for a walk around the apartment, you need to teach him to easily find his litter box, otherwise the whole apartment will seem like a spacious litter box, and the animal will leave its “traces” everywhere. First, fence off a small area for the little rabbit to walk, showing him where the “pot” is placed. Gradually increase the walking space by leaving the litter box within your pet's line of sight and adding additional temporary trays. Soon your rabbit will get used to going to a certain place, and you can let him roam around the house unattended.

It is necessary to train a decorative rabbit to a tray every day.

When training your rabbit to use the litter box, you may encounter the following problems:

  • the animal sleeps in the tray - perhaps the rabbit doesn’t like the sleeping place for some reason, remake it differently;
  • the pet itself does not want to approach the tray - hang a manger with hay nearby so that the fluffy eats and immediately relieves itself;
  • the rabbit makes a puddle past the tray - the tray has too low sides or too much filler;
  • the animal suddenly refuses to go “potty” - the rabbit has entered a period of “hunting”, or after sterilization he needs to refresh his memory by getting used to the tray again.

How to train a rabbit and teach it different tricks

The dwarf rabbit is naturally given many talents, and if you are not lazy, you can quickly teach your pet various tricks. To begin with, you should teach him to respond to his name: day after day, in a calm voice with the same intonation, address the rabbit by name and show him a treat, as soon as the pet runs up to you, pet him and treat him, otherwise do not reward your pet undeservedly. After a few days of regular practice, you will achieve success.

For walks in the fresh air, you should not put a collar on a decorative rabbit - the animal will never be able to get used to it. Use a kitten harness by putting it on for a few minutes at first and gradually increasing the time. In five days it will be possible to walk around the apartment with a rabbit on a harness, and after a few more days you can take it outside, only to quiet places, without dogs.

Training rabbits and learning tricks is more successful if the animal is hungry, but does not pounce on food, forgetting about everything in the world. Before training, it is enough not to feed the rabbit for 6-7 hours. Teaching tricks to a decorative rabbit is quite easy. For example, to teach him to jump through a hoop, sit your pet in front of the hoop, holding a treat behind the hoop, and wait until the rabbit steps through the hoop, giving him a treat for this. Repeat the procedure until the rabbit understands what is required of him.

You can then raise the hoop so that the rabbit jumps through it and continue to increase the height until you achieve the desired result. Thus, you can teach a rabbit to push a ball with its nose, jump over obstacles, do a stance on command, etc. Most importantly, do not forget to reward your pet for success every time.

Training: what tricks can you teach rabbits and how?

Rabbits can be taught a few simple commands. To do this, it is enough to devote up to 10 minutes three times a day. The essence of training is to divide the command into parts and give the rabbit his favorite treat for completing each part of the command.

Come when called

To teach a rabbit to come when called, you need to start from a short distance: call your pet, and after he comes, give him a treat. Gradually, the distance needs to be increased, and then you can even call the animal from another room.

sit, stand

It is better to learn these commands after the pet has learned to come when called. To do this, you need to pronounce the name of the team and help the rabbit take the required position. After it succeeds, give a treat. Repeat several times, and then help the rabbit less and less until he takes the desired position on his own. After every success, no matter how small, you need to give your pet something tasty to encourage.

Jump on the lap of the owner sitting on the sofa

This command can be divided into three parts:

  1. The rabbit comes to the sofa when called.
  2. Jumps on the sofa
  3. Climbs onto the owner's lap and stays there.

After completing each part of the command, the animal needs to be given a treat, stroked, praised and the name of the command pronounced, for example: “*rabbit’s name*, on your knees!” This way the animal will connect its actions with the command and the treat.

Go to the litter box

If the rabbit goes to the toilet past the tray, you need to determine in which corner the place for the toilet is in the rabbit's opinion. You should put a tray in this place and put part of the dirty litter in it, and remove the rest of the dirty litter so that even its smell does not remain. Once the rabbit understands what this tray is for, you need to give him encouragement.

Run after a toy

Many people like to play with a cat when it runs after a candy wrapper or a toy mouse. A rabbit can also be taught this game. You need to attach a toy to a stick or string and show it to the rabbit. After he sniffs it, give him a treat.

Most likely, the rabbit will want to touch the toy, after which you also need to encourage him. Then you should move the toy some distance away and wait until the rabbit comes up to it again and touches it - and again give the animal something tasty, for example, a piece of banana or a sweet carrot.

See also How to start breeding decorative rabbits at home from scratch?

When the rabbit understands the relationship between touching the toy and the treat, he will run after it. With the help of such a toy and additional rewards, you can subsequently teach your pet to jump over small obstacles, climb a hill, and so on.

The toy should not look like a rabbit - the pet may think that it is a rival and try to attack it.

Gradually, you should wean your rabbit off the reward treat. To do this, you can first replace it every other time with verbal praise and affection. Another time, give encouragement again, and the next two times, praise and stroke again.

What not to do during training:

  • overfeed the rabbit or give it food that is harmful to it;
  • deprive him of food so that he is hungry before the start of training;
  • Trying to teach a large number of commands at once is better to wait until one action is established before moving on to the next.

It is worth remembering that much greater success in training rabbits can be achieved with kindness and affection. If, as a result of training, the animal begins to fear its owner, then soon it will have to return to the beginning, namely, to establishing a trusting relationship. But the older the rabbit, the more difficult it is to do this.

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