Why and why the rooster pecks and attacks
The leader of a whole harem of chickens can attack completely unexpectedly. And such attacks often result in painful injuries. The aggressive bird, with the help of its beak and spurs, is capable of biting and even pecking enemies until they bleed. There is also a high risk of abrasions and bruises on the legs, the treatment of which may take a long period of time. In most cases, birds can pounce and peck from above or from behind. They are a great danger to children because they try to peck out their eyes.
Among the common reasons for attacks, experts identify two main ones:
- Cock attacks can occur due to the fact that the individual was acquired as an adult. Her character was formed, the rooster is unable to come to terms with the authority of the newly-made owner.
- Perhaps in the past the bird was oppressed by people or strong brothers, which left an imprint on the character of the rooster. The bird's attitude towards its owner or brothers becomes hostile, it pecks and rushes at them.
Experienced poultry farmers, who know what roosters are afraid of, advise purchasing only those chickens that are ten days old. This nuance is due to the fact that newborn chicks need incubator care, and older individuals can get used to a new place from the first weeks of life. In the future, it will be very difficult for them to adapt and get used to the new environment.
Ten day old chicks
Additional Information! In poultry farming practice, there have been cases of attacks on people by a rooster that had a completely calm disposition. To this day, the reason for such manifestations of aggression has not been established.
Bird attacks should never be ignored
If a bird shows attention and care towards other animals, then attacks pose a great danger to humans. If no methods of re-education help, you can always make a tasty broth from the birds. Buying the necessary medications to treat wounds received will cost several times more than buying a new rooster
Buying the necessary medications to treat wounds received will cost several times more than buying a new rooster.
There are many reasons why a feathered creature attacks other animals. With the variety of breeds on the farm, pet collisions occur quite often. Animals may lack free territory and begin to divide it. They may not have enough moisture or nutrients. Rooster attacks occur due to an unfavorable environment, as well as the individual characteristics of the animals.
rooster attack
Preventative measures against pecking
To avoid pecking among hens and chicks, you need to act before the first cases occur.
Be sure to read:
The first signs of bird flu in chickens: what to do, how to treat a sick bird
This is one of the methods for preventing pecking in young animals. It is carried out on large poultry farms using a special apparatus. Young chickens have their beaks cut off and cauterized.
This is one of the methods for preventing pecking in young animals.
This is done by experienced specialists who know how long to shorten the beaks and in what time frame to carry out the procedure.
Some poultry farmers try to trim the beaks of chickens at home. You shouldn't do this - if you cut it short, it will grow back quickly, and if you cut it too hard, you can hurt the bone or cause bleeding. This is dangerous due to infection.
Genetic selection
Some chicken breeds are difficult to raise because the young have low survival rates. They are aggressive from an early age and can kill each other without beak trimming.
Breeders are working to breed calm breeds so that the pruning procedure does not further injure the bird.
Proper nutrition
Chicken feed should be varied. Compound feed with additives is added, fresh and dry grass is useful. These foods contain substances necessary for growth.
You need to give raw vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots. Birds readily eat them, which improves the quality of eggs and meat.
Light mode
Avoid exposing adult chickens to sunlight as this will not be beneficial. They need to create shaded areas. Sunlight is beneficial for chickens in the first days of life. There should be shaded areas so that babies do not overheat.
Avoid exposing adult chickens to sunlight as this will not be beneficial.
It is beneficial for laying hens to extend the daylight hours. To do this, the lights in the barn are turned on for several hours in the evening. Increasing daylight hours leads to an increase in the number of eggs. But the light should not be too bright, just turn on a magpie bulb.
Using beak abrasives
These are special devices sprinkled with quartz sand. Birds use them to grind down their beaks and claws like sandpaper.
Abrasive materials are also added to the feed. By eating it, the chickens wear off their beaks themselves and become safe for their relatives.
Free range poultry
Chickens grow and develop quickly when free-range. They find their own food in the form of blades of grass, insects, worms and seeds. They do not lack minerals and vitamins.
Over a wide area, they have little contact with each other, so there are practically no cases of pecking.
Why do roosters fight?
The main mechanism for maintaining the hierarchy is periodic fights, which occur mainly between males. Females do not participate in cockfights, but they show aggression towards individuals of their own sex. This is also an element of establishing hierarchical stability of the pack. Domestic chickens have retained the basic elements of the behavior of their wild relatives.
How and why roosters fight
Roosters fight mainly at an early age, when they acquire secondary sexual characteristics. The fights continue until a leader is determined.
In order to understand how roosters fight, it is enough to determine what is their main weapon.
In a fight the rooster uses:
- Beak;
- Legs, especially bone growth - spur;
- Breast;
- Wings.
Before fighting, males may perform a fearsome dance. If the enemy's demonstration of aggressive intentions does not confuse him, then a series of blows with the chest, wings and spurs follows.
The beak comes into play the moment the fighters enter the clinch. In this position it is difficult to use the spurs, so only the beak and wings work. As a result, both opponents may have their combs and beards pecked off.
Why do chickens fight?
If the reasons for cockfights are the division of power, then it is not clear why chickens fight. Fights between females in flocks are usually little noticeable, because this is not typical for them. But there are situations when one chicken begins to peck another.
Chickens peck each other for the following reasons:
- When new individuals enter the chicken coop. This is a ritual for establishing a new hierarchy.
- In conditions of increased pack density. Particularly active fights occur between chickens of the same age. In this case, fights can lead to mass cannibalism.
- When a leader rooster has not yet appeared in a flock of young individuals.
- Same-sex pack. If there are no roosters in the flock, then the hens can “put themselves forward” to the role of the dominant individual. A hen can never unite a flock the same way a rooster can. She does not have the necessary signaling functions for this, but the chicken can perform some management functions.
What to do if roosters fight
In order to reduce tension in the coop, you need to understand why it formed.
If the density is increased, then it must be reduced by expanding the area of the chicken coop. You can organize the space in such a way that the cockerels and hens who find themselves outsiders can escape or even fly away from the epicenter of the battles.
There are several more techniques for pacifying the most violent males and even females. One of them is aimed at shifting attention, and the other is aimed at reducing hierarchical status.
In order for a rowdy rooster to stop beating his neighbors, you can put a mirror in the chicken coop, in which the most cocky rooster will find a worthy opponent, that is, himself.
You just need to make sure that the fighter is not seriously injured.
To reduce hierarchical status, you need to anoint, for example, the back, wings or neck of the rooster with green paint. If a pugnacious bird has a dark color, then the paint should be light. You need to make clearly visible marks, and not smear paint all over your body.
These marks will attract hens, for whom the rooster fights.
However, this attention will not correspond to the respect and obedience that should be expected from females. Chickens will walk around a strange rooster and look at its back or neck. Since the rooster himself will not notice changes in his coloring, this behavior of the hens will demoralize him and will temporarily discourage him from fighting.
Since the rooster himself will not notice changes in his coloring, this behavior of the hens will demoralize him and will temporarily discourage him from fighting.
Any management of a flock of chickens should be aimed at establishing stability. And for this you need an established hierarchy and a minimum number of roosters. This will reduce livestock losses from fights and pecking.
Hereditary poultry farmer, owner of a poultry farm, graduated from St. Petersburg State Agrarian University with honors, author of articles in specialized publications
Why do chickens peck the rooster?
Farmers sometimes notice that not all is well in the chicken flock; instead of protecting the hens, the rooster may offend them or be attacked himself. In our article we will talk about what can cause such behavior in birds, actions to avoid pecking, as well as the necessary actions with a wounded bird.
Causes of rooster pecking
If in a chicken coop there is aggression from hens towards the rooster, accompanied by pecking at the head and other parts of the body, it is worth understanding the original basis for this behavior. Below are the main reasons for this phenomenon in a chicken flock.
Lack of nutrients in food
Many farmers feed chickens with compound feed, which should include all the necessary nutrients, but in practice it often does not meet the standards.
Important! During molting and intensive egg laying, the chickens’ body especially needs a complete, balanced diet.
If there is a lack of microelements and vitamins, and especially proteins, in the body of birds, the acid-base balance is disrupted.
Without receiving the necessary nutrients in the feed, birds can pluck feathers from neighbors in the house and eat them. This can cause the birds to bleed, and when a wounded hen or rooster can no longer resist the attacks, they can be pecked to death.
Improper conditions for keeping birds
With proper arrangement of the poultry house, hens and roosters will live in peace and harmony. Birds begin to conflict for the following reasons:
- if the room for their living is very cramped;
- they may be unnerved by excessive noise;
- insufficient or excessive lighting.
In winter, pecking occurs most often , since the birds are in a cramped room, and can peck simply out of boredom.
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Too much light in the coop can cause birds to see the veins in the skin of chickens and roosters and will peck at these areas, which can result in fatal wounds.
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Excessive dry air in the poultry house can also be a cause of chicken aggression. Insufficient air humidity causes fragility of the feather cover, which the bird treats with a special secretion. The chicken presses its beak on the coccygeal gland, thereby damaging the skin, which will make other birds want to attack.
Established hierarchy in the chicken coop
The poultry house has its own rules and an established hierarchy. Usually the rooster acts as the head of the flock, keeping an eye on the hens. He makes sure everyone eats, goes out for a walk, and protects the flock from danger.
But still, sometimes the rooster loses its position as leader. This can happen if the rooster's authority has been shaken by the hens, for example, in a collision with a person when he defeated the leader of the chicken flock.
Did you know? In 1945, there was a recorded case where a rooster named Miracle Mike lived without a head for more than a year.
Chickens may attack a rooster if he is new to the house.
Before his appearance, chickens already have a certain hierarchy, and they do not want to accept a stranger. Another reason for an attack by chickens can be the youth of the cockerel.
Because of his youth, they accept him as an equal, so they can attack him as weaker.
What to do with a wounded bird
If a collision has already occurred and the cockerel or hen is seriously injured, this cannot be ignored. Timely measures must be taken to ensure that the victims recover.
First aid
The wounded bird must first be separated from aggressive flock members. Having isolated her from the aggressors, you should start treating the wounds. Typically, disinfectants such as iodine, glycerin, and brilliant green are used for this. Treat bird wounds with iodine
Treatment of injured birds
Next, the injured bird is kept separately, using a special cage or blocking it with a partition. The injured pack member should be kept separately until complete recovery.
While the wounded bird is in isolation, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the attack and eliminate it, otherwise pecking will continue, and this is dangerous because it can become a habit among chickens. Aggressive birds need to change their diet, adjust lighting and improve living conditions.
Did you know? In 1474, a real trial took place, where the accused was a rooster that laid an egg. By decision of the Holy Inquisition, the rooster was beheaded.
If, after the cockerel is fully restored, attacks from its relatives do not stop, the main instigators of conflicts must be punished. However, there are individuals for whom nothing helps, their aggression may be caused by character traits, in which case they need to be used for meat, otherwise peace will not be achieved in this poultry house.
Find out whether a rooster is needed for chickens to lay eggs and what are the features of the process of reproduction and fertilization of eggs.
Preventing pecking
Considering the reasons that hens become aggressive towards the rooster, you need to do everything possible to ensure that there is a peaceful atmosphere in the chicken coop. To do this, you should take care of proper care of the chickens, focusing on the factors listed below.
Nutrition and diet
The first step is to balance the poultry diet; it must be nutritious and contain the necessary nutrients.
You can increase the protein level by adding the following products to your chickens' food:
- milk powder;
- soy products and meat and bone meal;
- introduction of special vitamin and mineral complexes into the diet;
- It is recommended to throw them limestone with small pebbles, which will facilitate digestion.
In order for laying hens to enjoy their productivity, it is necessary to correctly formulate their diet.
A rooster should eat bran, legumes, and cake, and it is very beneficial for laying hens to eat greens and grains. We must not forget about the amount of water consumed by birds: per individual there should be an average of 300 g of water.
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Conditions of detention
To stop the pecking that has begun and prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, it is worth organizing suitable conditions in your poultry house. To do this, it is necessary to take a number of measures:
- Lighting. You can make it blue or red in the coop. The duration of daylight hours should be 10-12 hours a day. Lamps should not be too bright.
- Free space. You should organize a room in which no more than 5 chickens should fit on one square meter, otherwise they will be too crowded.
- Feeders and drinkers. It is necessary to check whether there are enough of them for the entire flock of birds and whether fights occur during meals or water.
- Ventilation. The chicken coop should be well ventilated, but at the same time be draft-free.
- Walks. Chickens should be allowed to roam periodically.
- “Ash baths.” Organize containers with ash, river sand and sulfur for the chickens.
other statistics Aistra Chagarnikova
Important! A radical method of combating pecking is debeaking, which is trimming the beak with special knives.
Bird care
In addition to housing and nutrition, it is also necessary to provide the birds with proper care to avoid pecking. It is better not to combine different breeds of chickens, and if this cannot be avoided, carefully monitor their behavior. If there is a particularly aggressive chicken in the flock, it is worth separating it from the rest for a while or introducing a young rooster into the chicken coop.
If chickens peck at a new rooster in the coop, it means that they are actively resisting the appearance of a stranger in the established hierarchy. In order to solve this issue, the rooster must first be placed behind a net so that the hens gradually get used to his presence. After a while, you can try to move him closer.
If the attacks do not stop, you need to take the most lively hen and punish her or remove the rooster altogether.
Find out how many years a chicken and a rooster live at home..
Chickens pecking and attacking a rooster is not the norm and has a number of possible causes. By knowing about them, you can take the necessary steps to avoid aggression in the coop and establish a calm, harmonious atmosphere in your chicken flock.
Source: https://line24.com.ua/pochemu-kury-klyuyut-petuxa/index.htm
What to do if a rooster pecks and attacks: methods and rationale
If a rooster shows aggression towards people, then no one will like this behavior. Without immediately resorting to drastic methods, you can try to reason with him using proven methods, many of which were used by grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
How to stop a rooster from lunging at people
Advice from poultry breeders is varied. Some of them are quite peaceful, based on attempts to bring the rooster to reason, to show him the real owner in a humane way. Others are aimed at physical impact, sometimes quite cruel, even taking life.
What to do if the rooster pecking? The main thing is not to show your own weakness. Analyze these points:
- will there be enough patience and strength for re-education;
- how expensive and valuable is the head of the chicken coop;
- Are there any other roosters among poultry that can replace the fighter?
Based on the answers you receive, use any of the following tips.
Loyal ways
There are several options for action when it is necessary to wean him from incorrect behavior without the help of force:
Special treatment. Having placed the rowdy in a separate enclosure, you should talk to him more often and feed him. The absence of sudden movements and the calm tone of the owner have a calming effect on the roosters, they stop pecking. Having returned the leader to the chicken coop, you need to continue feeding or let him out of the room while the eggs are taken away and the cleaning done. Walks behind the fence. The rooster should only be walked in the enclosure, without allowing it to move freely around the yard. They harvest the necessary grass themselves and feed it to the birds through the fence. Hunger strike. To discourage the rooster from pecking, immediately after the attack it needs to be moved into a separate pen. Do not feed or spare the bird for 2–3 days. The method is effective, for stubborn people you can repeat it several times
It is important not to overdo it so that the bird does not start to get sick. If a rooster tries to peck only one person, it is he who should offer food to the punished person after the hunger strike
Then the object of aggression will be perceived as a savior. Temporary isolation. You need to make a strong box and put it on the rooster who is about to attack. Then no one will interfere while collecting eggs. Before leaving, remove the imaginary cage from the bird. Pheasant glasses. The opaque plastic devices used to train pheasants to stop fighting are also suitable for roosters. The structure is secured with a pin, which is threaded through the nostrils. It does not allow the bird to see what is happening ahead. If the object of aggression is not visible, there is no reason to attack.
Cardinal methods
When there is no hope left to wean the rooster from pecking and attacking people without using physical force, you need to act tough:
- Water procedures. Members of the chicken family do not like to swim; immersion in water will cool an aggressive bird and cause it to change behavior. To wean a rooster from the bad habit of pecking, they practice dipping their head into a container of cold water for a couple of seconds, 3–5 times, so that the bird does not choke, or completely immersing it in a barrel. Dousing with a bucket or hose helps a lot.
- Beak trimming. You can carry out the procedure yourself, observing safety precautions, or go to a veterinary clinic. The beak is trimmed using hot blades, laser or infrared light. A humane alternative is feeding rough food, which will gradually wear down the beak.
- Attack. A counter attack will take the rooster by surprise, show him the main thing, thereby cooling the bird's ardor. It is useful to respond to attempts to peck with a fly swatter, hose, stick or hand. To begin with, you can hit it lightly; an ununderstanding bird should be hit more painfully, but without causing it serious harm.
- A lesson from my brothers. If there are stronger birds on the farm that can teach a fighter a lesson, it is recommended to place the bird with them so that he can experience the role of the victim from his own experience.
Why does the rooster peck
The attacks of the leader of the chicken family are painful. A raging bird injures until it bleeds with its beak and spurs, leaving bruises and abrasions on the legs that take a long time to heal. Roosters are capable of pecking out eyes; they often attack from behind or from above; such aggressors are especially dangerous for children.
If a rooster is aggressive towards people
What to do if a rooster pecks and attacks people
If a rooster shows aggression towards people, then no one will like this behavior. Without immediately resorting to drastic methods, you can try to reason with him using proven methods, many of which were used by grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
Advice from poultry breeders is varied. Some of them are quite peaceful, based on attempts to bring the rooster to reason, to show him the real owner in a humane way. Others are aimed at physical impact, sometimes quite cruel, even taking life.
What to do if the rooster pecking? The main thing is not to show your own weakness. Analyze these points:
will there be enough patience and strength for re-education; how expensive and valuable is the head of the chicken coop; Are there any other roosters among poultry that can replace the fighter? Based on the answers you receive, use any of the following tips.
Calm the bird humanely
There are several options for action when it is necessary to wean him from incorrect behavior without the help of force:
Special treatment. Having placed the rowdy in a separate enclosure, you should talk to him more often and feed him. The absence of sudden movements and the calm tone of the owner have a calming effect on the roosters, they stop pecking. Having returned the leader to the chicken coop, you need to continue feeding it or let it out of the room while the eggs are taken away and the cleaning done. Walks behind the fence. The rooster should only be walked in the enclosure, without allowing it to move freely around the yard. They harvest the necessary grass themselves and feed it to the birds through the fence. Hunger strike. To discourage the rooster from pecking, immediately after the attack it needs to be moved into a separate pen. Do not feed or spare the bird for 2–3 days. The method is effective; for stubborn people, it can be repeated several times. It is important not to overdo it so that the bird does not start to get sick. If a rooster strives to peck only one person, it is he who should offer food to the punished person after the hunger strike. Then the object of aggression will be perceived as a savior. Temporary isolation. You need to make a strong box and put it on the rooster who is about to attack. Then no one will interfere while collecting eggs. Before leaving, remove the imaginary cage from the bird. Pheasant glasses. The opaque plastic devices used to train pheasants to stop fighting are also suitable for roosters. The structure is secured with a pin, which is threaded through the nostrils. It does not allow the bird to see what is happening ahead. If the object of aggression is not visible, there is no reason to attack.
Place the male separately from the flock
Drastic methods When there is no hope left to wean the rooster from pecking and attacking people without using physical force, you need to act tough:
Water procedures. Members of the chicken family do not like to swim; immersion in water will cool an aggressive bird and cause it to change behavior. To wean a rooster from the bad habit of pecking, they practice dipping their head into a container of cold water for a couple of seconds, 3–5 times, so that the bird does not choke, or completely immersing it in a barrel. Dousing with a bucket or hose helps a lot. Beak trimming. You can carry out the procedure yourself, observing safety precautions, or go to a veterinary clinic. The beak is trimmed using hot blades, laser or infrared light. A humane alternative is feeding rough food, which will gradually wear down the beak. Attack. A counter attack will take the rooster by surprise, show him the main thing, thereby cooling the bird's ardor. It is useful to respond to attempts to peck with a fly swatter, hose, stick or hand. To begin with, you can hit it lightly; an ununderstanding bird should be hit more painfully, but without causing it serious harm. A lesson from my brothers. If there are stronger birds on the farm that can teach a fighter a lesson, it is recommended to place the bird with them so that he can experience the role of the victim from his own experience.
When the use of force does not help, two options remain: slaughter the rooster or sell it to cockfights.
Why does the rooster peck
The attacks of the leader of the chicken family are painful. A raging bird injures until it bleeds with its beak and spurs, leaving bruises and abrasions on the legs that take a long time to heal. Roosters are capable of pecking out eyes; they often attack from behind or from above; such aggressors are especially dangerous for children.
The reasons for the attack may be:
The acquisition of an adult individual with a mature character, unable to accept the authority of the owner. Past oppression suffered by powerful fellows or people that left an imprint on the character. The rooster began to treat everyone with hostility, throwing himself and pecking. Hostility towards the bird from other representatives of the species
It is recommended to buy chickens at the age of 10 days: newborn chicks require nursing in an incubator, and “teenagers” get used to the place where they spent the first weeks of life, and then find it difficult to adapt to new conditions. Raising your birds yourself gives you a better chance of their peaceful behavior in the future.
There are known cases when a rooster with a calm disposition began to attack people. It is difficult to determine what causes bird aggression.
Letting the situation take its course and doing nothing if the rooster is pecking is unacceptable. No matter how useful and caring the bird is towards chickens, its attacks are dangerous for people. You don’t have the strength and patience to re-educate him, which means you need to send him to the soup. The cost of a new head of the chicken coop is much less than the cost of drugs to cure the wounds received.
Tips for organizing a turkey poultry farm to prevent fights
It also happens that Turkeys fight when they are indoors or in a chicken coop. what to do in this case?
Pecking of eggs and the youngest animals indicates that the actual square footage of the room is not spacious enough for such a number of animals. The worse the turkey poultry is equipped, the more conflicts and fights will arise.
The first thing you need to understand is the consequences, because preventing the causes is easier than the consequences. Young and not yet fully emboldened individuals will suffer, this can be learned from bruises, abrasions, hemorrhages and multiple hematomas on the bird’s body. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but frequent such fights can affect the growth and quality of the animal’s meat.
- Per 1 square meter you can place a maximum of 2-3 females, 1-2 males and no more than 5-6 small growing turkey poults.
- Perches and various perches will help accommodate the maximum permissible number of birds in a small but high barn. The best option would be to calculate the number of logs and consumables within 30 centimeters per adult.
- For transportation or temporary housing, cages and metal sieve boxes can be used. The minimum size is considered to be 40x60x50; the larger and more spacious the cage, the more comfortable the Turkeys will feel.
Gentle methods against cock aggression
A gentle and humane way to stop the rooster from pecking is to try to make friends with him. Males often show aggression due to the fact that they have little contact with the farmer.
First of all, it is recommended to place the rebel in a separate spacious cage. Approach and talk to him every day in a calm, confident voice. The main thing is not to make sudden movements. And give a treat every time.
Soon the male will get used to the owner and begin to trust him. This will prevent manifestations of anger.
Defense by attack
Another effective way to stop a rooster from pecking is to show him who’s in charge. When communicating with a rebel, you need to behave confidently and even a little arrogantly.
It is important to look the bird in the eye at all times and not look away. This psychological technique works no worse on roosters than on humans.
It is necessary to show the rebel that they are not afraid of him, and if necessary there will be resistance.
Alternative: Try to intimidate the rooster. It's simple. When entering the chicken coop, there is no need to wait for an attack. You need to attack first - start chasing the bully.
Such actions will discourage the rooster, since he is used to a different reaction. To consolidate the result, intimidation must be carried out several times.
Often bright or too bulky clothes act as a provoking factor. A bird may perceive such attire as a formidable plumage. And he will try to protect his territory and herd by all means.
If the rooster starts pecking, you will have to visit the chicken coop in clothes of neutral and muted tones. In this case, the bully will get used to the farmer. And he will stop constantly clinging to him.
If the methods described above do not help, you can experiment with alternative options.
An effective method of pacifying aggression in young roosters is the installation of a large mirror on stable legs.
A bully, seeing his reflection, will focus on it. He will have no time to pester the owner
Another possible option is to paint the wings and tail of the bully with green paint. The bright color will attract other birds to the rooster. And he will be forced to constantly defend himself. He will no longer have the strength or desire to attack the farmer.
Pheasant glasses
This device was developed specifically for pheasants. When in close cages, they often peck at each other.
The glasses are secured with a special plastic pin. It is threaded through the nostril. Therefore, the rooster will not be able to remove them on his own.
Hunger strike
A more severe but effective way is a hunger strike. Many experienced poultry farmers practice this method. They keep the fighter isolated and hungry for 2-3 days.
The male should be placed in a cage immediately after the attack. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain. During punishment, you cannot visit or talk to the fighter. Hunger strike is considered an effective method. And it usually works the first time.
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If you plan to punish a rooster with a hunger strike, you need to leave a container of clean water in the enclosure. This will prevent dehydration and further health complications for the male.
Read about another situation in the article “What to do if roosters are constantly fighting.”
Beak trimming
If the male continues to behave aggressively and attacks the owner, the bird's beak is trimmed.
Laser: the procedure is carried out exclusively in a clinic with the availability of appropriate equipment. This method of beak trimming is considered less traumatic and painless. But you will have to pay a lot of money for the procedure.
Infrared light: this treatment of the beak causes it to fall off on its own after a while. The procedure can be carried out only in the first months of the rooster’s life. It is painless and harmless.
Feeding with special food. The fighter can be switched to special roughage, which will lead to gradual wear of the beak. This method is humane. But it takes a long time. And drink a lot to keep the gastrointestinal tract working.
Sometimes, even after cutting the beak, the bird continues to attack the owner and inflict injuries with its spurs. In this case, there are only two options left: kill the rooster for soup or give it to cockfights.
As practice shows, many owners cannot kill a rooster. And they give the bully to the man involved in cockfighting. This way you can save the bird’s life and remain profitable.
Information on the topic is given in the article “On cockfighting.”
What to do if you are injured after a bird attack
If a rooster pecks, you need to wash the wound with laundry soap. Or treat with an antiseptic.
If the wound is large, its edges must be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green. Then treat with antibacterial ointment. Finally, apply a sterile bandage.
If the wound is shallow and all necessary measures have been taken, it will soon go away on its own. It is imperative to consult a doctor if the affected area is very painful. And the symptoms do not subside for several days.
In conclusion: the methods listed above are effective. But before you start raising a bird, it is recommended to find out why the rooster attacks. And, if possible, eliminate the original source of the problem.
Dear fellow poultry farmers, have you ever had to wean roosters from aggression? Please share your experience with our readers. Special thanks to everyone for the repost and 5 stars.
Every experienced poultry farmer knows what a big role the rooster plays in the farm. Leading a whole harem of chickens, he protects them from various dangers that may await the birds outside the chicken coop. In some cases, the bird believes that the owner-farmer may also be a source of danger.
A rooster can attack a person and, using its sharp beak and spurs, peck and tear the skin into blood. It is quite possible for an adult to repel an attack by a rooster, but for small children it is very difficult to resist a bird, and this can lead to serious injuries, including loss of eyes. In such a situation, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations on what to do if a rooster pecks.
What did you see in your dream?
Roosters and chickens are dreamed of for various reasons, and dreams in which you saw a bird from the outside are especially interesting. This means that the dreamer did not touch the rooster in the dream and did not have any contact with it.
Remember what the cockerel was like, what he did - and decipher the dream.
1. As the dream book says, a rooster in a dream, seen from the outside, is a sign that honor and a high position will soon await the dreamer.
You will be recognized for your merits and will experience prestige and respect. Be consistent and don’t lose face!
2. If in a dream you only heard a ringing rooster crow, this is a symbol of insight, awakening.
Some new, dormant forces will be revealed in you, perhaps you will discover a talent in yourself or understand something very important about yourself. Awakening can have different meanings, and what exactly it will be in your case, time will tell
3. The crow of a rooster, which was hoarse in a dream, means that you have to spend a lot of your own strength and energy to achieve a big goal.
But if you show strength, you will receive recognition and achieve your goal.
4. If you dream of fighting roosters or hens that cackle loudly and fight, this clearly indicates the fact that in the near future you will witness a quarrel between your competitors or opponents.
How this will affect you personally is unknown, but the interpreter advises not to interfere, and try not to add unnecessary fuel to the fire, so as not to get involved in a serious conflict. Better stay away.
5. Such a dream, in which a rooster was sitting on a tree, portends the dreamer a large profit from a successful business or cooperation with an important person.
Soon you will reap the benefits, so don't stop following your chosen path, work hard!
6. A lame rooster in dreams is a symbol of faithful and devoted friends.
Be sure that you have them - and the dream probably transparently hints to you that in reality for some reason you forgot about them, or are not sure of their devotion. But it’s in vain, you have rare friends, appreciate them!
7. Seeing a singing rooster in a dream is a good sign.
It portends good news and pleasant surprises.
8. If you dreamed of a golden rooster, know that after such a rare and fabulous dream, great, unconditional happiness will definitely await you.
All aspects of your life will soon improve, and difficulties and troubles will disappear without a trace!
9. But, as the dream book says, a black rooster is a harbinger of competition.
Moreover, be careful - a competitor or rival is an unkind and insidious person, you should show special restraint with him. He's probably willing to go to great lengths. Your courage, honesty and strength are excellent weapons against such enemies.
10. If you dream of chickens peacefully pecking grains in the yard, know that complete prosperity, tranquility, and well-being are expected in your home.
Metaphorically speaking, you will have a “full cup”, and you will not have to know what poverty is.
11. If you saw a rooster in a dream rushing at someone, wanting to peck some person, this is a serious dream. He tells the dreamer that someone will let him down.
If you are counting on someone, waiting for someone's help, given a task or assignment, this person for some reason will not cope, so the best thing is now not to expect results from him, and start doing something on your own so that don't be disappointed.
12. If a woman dreamed that a rooster was chasing a hen, following her or chasing her, this is a clear harbinger of a persistent suitor.
Perhaps this man will be too “puffed up” and boastful to get your attention.
13. For a pregnant woman, according to dream books, a rooster in her dreams promises the birth of a strong and brave little boy.
14. Well, if in your night dreams you saw a rooster next to a hen, then rest assured that in your personal affairs, love and couple relationships, everything will be very happy and prosperous.
Even if something doesn’t go well now, it will soon pass without a trace, and don’t doubt that you are about to meet your ideal match.
Danger level
For an adult, constant attacks from a rooster do not pose a particular threat. Because they are easy to reflect. The only way a male’s attacks of aggression can end is in the appearance of scratches and abrasions on the owner or other people.
The situation is different if there is a child living in the family. Because the bully will not take him into account. And he may behave more maliciously.
There were often cases when a rebel attack ended with abrasions on the face and torn hair. The main danger is that an evil rooster can damage or gouge out a child's eye with its beak.
Aggression also negatively affects the health of the male. When defending against an attacker, the owner can hit him hard. This will cause multiple injuries and damage.
If you defend yourself from a rooster with sticks or other strong objects, the consequences of the fight can be more dire. Until the death of the male.
Why do old chickens peck new ones?
The reason for bullying, fighting and pecking in chickens is competition for resources as old as time: territory, food and seniority in the flock. The struggle for resources is the driving force of natural selection and evolution, that is, a normal natural phenomenon characteristic of both animals and humans (in more complex forms). As a result of this struggle, a clear hierarchy is established in the flock, in which each chicken has its own status. For example, larger and stronger chickens (usually older chickens) are the first to eat and the first to settle down in the chicken coop for the night. The new hens (less experienced and smaller) patiently wait their turn at the feeder and try to stay out of the way of the older hens. Often, at first, new chickens hide on higher perches from old chickens (see photo below, our new chickens hide from old ones on the roof of the feeder). This process is absolutely normal and does not require the intervention of the poultry farmer at this stage.
The problem arises if, having already established their seniority in the flock and their privileged status in the hierarchy, which no one disputes, the old hens continue to aggressively attack the young ones, causing them physical harm and not allowing them near the feeders. In domestic chickens, pecking and fighting lead to stress and a reduction in egg production. Chronically malnourished and deprived of water, a young chicken may simply die from dehydration and exhaustion; in chickens this develops very quickly, because with their low weight, as they say, they don’t need much. Often exhaustion and dehydration go unnoticed until the most critical moment due to the lush plumage of chickens. If a wound on the body of a chicken, which is subject to constant attacks, begins to bleed, then other chickens, attracted by the sight and taste of blood, will join in the attack and pecking, and the matter may end in cannibalism. Chickens are cannibal birds. Cannibalism in animals is the result of a long evolution and a completely natural phenomenon aimed at regulating numbers and generally surviving the population in unfavorable environmental conditions (which for chickens is an overcrowded chicken coop and limited access to food and water). Moreover, in nature, females are more prone to cannibalism, and cannibalism in chickens is more often directed at young animals of their own species. You shouldn’t blame chickens, they are just animals and they are not guided by reason, feelings and morals, but by instincts.
Of course, cannibalism is an extreme case of bullying among chickens, but any fights, feather plucking and pecking in the flock irritate the chickens themselves and greatly upset the owners. If you see that your hens are pecking another hen or each other, immediately and mercilessly stop this and ensure that the laying hens are kept in such conditions as to prevent future fights. How to do it?
Why do chickens peck each other?
If cannibalism occurs in chickens, don’t think twice about what to do. First you need to determine the cause of the aggression. This is a reaction in the form of abnormal behavior to internal or external changes.
Initially, physically stronger individuals begin to peck at other birds, and then the phenomenon spreads to the rest. Mass pecking is scary, as birds can even peck out internal organs. Chickens peck to death within a few hours of the weak. Most often, the paws, tail and head are initially affected.
The reasons why chickens and chickens peck each other can be divided into several groups:
- caused by content;
- caused by nutrition;
- other reasons.
Most often, pecking can begin due to the high density of heads per square meter. In this case, growth deteriorates, access to food and water is difficult, which contributes to the development of cannibalism.
Interesting fact. When free-ranging, pecking may occur if there is no grass in this area.
Changes in microclimate can also affect behavior. If the humidity requirements are not met, the feathers and skin will begin to dry out, and areas of irritation may appear that the birds will want to peck at. They attract other individuals and begin to peck.
In aviaries, domestic chickens have a problem with the distribution of hierarchy. This is what leads to pecking.
Among the reasons caused by nutrition, the following should be highlighted:
- In broilers, this behavior can be ensured by a change in diet or lack of water.
- Small chickens, with a lack of certain substances, begin to peck at their own feathers and eat them, but stronger birds pluck feathers from weak ones.
- If the diet contains a large amount of protein food (or lack thereof), cannibalism cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is important to remember that your diet should not contain more than 35% corn and similar products.
There are a number of other points that can also provoke birds to peck.:
- the presence of wounds in weaker chickens;
- the appearance of new individuals in the chicken coop;
- a large number of roosters in one room;
- temperature too high;
- It is not possible to remove dead chickens from the place where chickens are kept in a timely manner;
- the appearance of mites and other parasites in feathers;
- temperature differences between day and night.
Reasons why chickens peck each other's feathers
Poor diet
Poor nutrition can cause aggression in chickens. Pecking is caused by a lack of protein responsible for the production of the hormone arginine. When its content decreases to 3.8%, laying hens begin to eat feathers.
A lack of protein during active egg laying leads to the fact that the chicken begins to make up for the deficiency in various ways. For example, plucking feathers from relatives and eating them.
Most often, cannibalism is observed in cold weather, when birds are indoors. They are bored, and accordingly, from idleness, the chickens begin to peck each other’s feathers.
Also, in winter, young birds are often planted, which causes aggression in the old ones. It has been noted more than once when adult birds rushed at young ones and began to peck at them. Usually the instigator of a fight is one alpha hen. Other birds begin to follow her, the fight ends only after the death of the victim.
Bright lighting
The egg production of chickens depends on the length of daylight hours. As it increases, egg laying is stimulated. When raising chickens, the first daylight hours must last a whole day. This ensures normal feeding. Afterwards, a planned reduction in daylight hours is carried out.
When molting, a chicken renews its plumage
During this period, cases of cannibalism become more frequent - bare skin begins to attract the attention of other birds.
During seasonal molting, you need to monitor the condition of the chickens and control the possible occurrence of injuries. At this stage, calcium (chalk or shell) is added to the diet.
It is its lack that is the reason why chickens eat feathers and sometimes even peck eggs.
Violations of containment conditions
Dry air is also a cause of cannibalism. Due to lack of moisture, the plumage becomes brittle. This forces the birds to cover them with a special secret.
When the beak presses the coccygeal gland, the skin is injured. The resulting wound arouses aggression in other individuals.
High humidity causes discomfort and irritated chickens provoke fights.
Arrival of new chickens to the flock
When adding new individuals to the flock, you need to monitor which of the old chickens are pulling out their feathers. In this case, they are temporarily removed.
If this does not bring results, then a new rooster is introduced into the herd. When a hen tries to pluck the feathers of a rooster, he will certainly punish her, discouraging the desire to offend other birds.
Other stresses
Any illness in a chicken is stressful for it. But sometimes aggression consists of other reasons.
Chickens need to be walked outside so that they can supplement their diet with grass, beetles, and worms. In winter, you don’t need to keep the bird locked up all day long, otherwise it will begin to fatten.
Certain breeds are more aggressive. If the cause of fights is always one chicken, this is not a violation of the rules of keeping, but character traits.
Cell type content
The main disadvantage of keeping them in cages is the short period of productivity, since the individuals do not have enough movement.
In laying hens, resistance to stress may decrease and cannibalism may appear.
Keeping incompatible breeds
Despite the fact that many representatives of birds are peaceful, some are sometimes aggressive towards other breeds.
If you need to place chickens of different breeds in the same coop, then they need to be monitored for 2-3 days. Most often, aggression appears in a fairly short period of time.
If the chickens have not started pecking their relatives during this time, you don’t have to worry about the livestock. But if even one individual has become aggressive, then the breeds must be kept separately.
Socialization in the herd
Social causes include hierarchical conflicts among roosters, changes in flocks, and fighting between breeds. Pecking begins when the young animals are transferred to the poultry house. In this case, old individuals are aggressive towards new laying hens.
Fights often occur among birds of different colors. As a rule, light-colored chickens are more aggressive and, not accepting relatives of a different color, peck their feathers.
There are many reasons for pecking in chickens, which are associated with:
- feeding;
- content;
- disruption of the relationship between chickens on the farm.
Be sure to read:
Cockfighting, or all about fighting breeds of chickens
How chickens behave depends largely on their diet . There are periods when it needs to be increased and enriched with various additives.
Chickens need to be fed well when:
- chickens change their plumage from down to feathers;
- laying hens begin to lay eggs;
- moulting occurs.
During these periods, microelements and bioadditives are introduced into the feed. You should purchase everything you need from veterinary pharmacies. They are produced for different periods in special packaging and added to feed.
How chickens behave depends largely on their diet.
also of great importance. Stale feed or feed contaminated with mycotoxins leads to the disease of weak individuals, and then the strong ones will peck them. Drinking also plays a role - a lack of water leads to the search for liquid and pecking of birds.
This is a common cause of chicken cannibalism. If chickens or chickens are out on the run, they are busy searching for food and do not pay attention to each other.
But when they live indoors, they notice any damage on the body of their neighbors. The sight of blood encourages them to peck. When there is a lot of crowding, the strongest individuals and birds that are close to the prey become cannibals.
Social struggle becomes more aggressive, the weak have nowhere to hide from the strong.
With a high housing density, there is a high probability of a shortage of feed, which is a reason for hostility in the chicken population and the reason for the lack of necessary elements in the body of chickens.
Room illumination
In a fully lit room, chickens can see all the changes on their neighbors’ bodies. They quickly notice the blood and start pecking. The victim has nowhere to hide.
They quickly notice the blood and start pecking.
To prevent this from happening, the chicken coop should have dark corners and the light should be dim.
Dry air
When the coop is too dry, a lot of dust appears. This is harmful for poultry and leads to the proliferation of parasites on the skin. Chickens become restless and begin to pluck their feathers.
Socialization in the herd
Chickens are constantly fighting for food and social position in society. Even if there is a lot of food, strong birds choose the best, driving away the weak ones.
This is especially true when there are several roosters on the farm. Only one should dominate - the strongest. Sometimes the fight continues until the weak one dies or is sent to another coop. Among the chickens there are also leader individuals.
Breed incompatibility
Observations have shown that laying hens become cannibals more often than meat chickens. These birds cannot be kept together; they may begin to quarrel.
It is no less dangerous to place other people's chickens in the chicken coop with your own. Roosters will happily accept someone else's chicken, but the females may peck at it.
Be sure to read:
Why and why chickens go blind: reasons, how it manifests itself, how to cure
Drastic environmental changes
With a sharp cold snap, poultry have an increased need for plumage growth. She needs more nutrition and microelements. And if the birds are not fed in the cold, they will begin to devour each other.
With a sharp cold snap, poultry have an increased need for plumage growth
A chicken gets nervous stress when transferred to another flock. As a result, she begins to peck feathers and injure herself.
Other reasons
A change in the behavior of poultry may occur due to the appearance of extraneous noise, the absence of a rooster in the flock, or as a result of fright.
Because of these factors, chickens become nervous and hysterical. Cannibalism also occurs if the corpses of dead chickens are not removed in time.